trek 72 posts msg #64323 - Ignore trek |
6/25/2008 10:23:13 AM
Sorry the previous post is not clickable. I thought I knew how to do that, apparently I do not.
maxreturn 745 posts msg #64325 - Ignore maxreturn modified |
6/25/2008 11:00:32 AM
I couldn't make it clickable either. Methinks it has something to do with the volume of code and the way you have it organized. Anybody else?
miketranz 975 posts msg #64347 - Ignore miketranz |
6/25/2008 4:28:21 PM
Trek,buying breakouts to new highs,using the Darvas method is the way to go.You're on the right track.Do what most people won't,buy high and sell higher.Buy strength on the way up.You should also scan the new highs list daily,and stalk the cream of the crop.Remember,for a stock to go up,it has to make new highs.Buying stocks because "you think they are low" ,or trying to catch a bottom,will send you to the poor house.You'll run out of money before that happens.Leave that to the pros who have billions of dollars to play with.True many breakouts will fail,you just have to be willing to scratch alot of trades,until you get onboard the right ones.If you could make more money on the right ones,than you do on the wrong ones,you're in business.My advice is to go with the highest volume stocks,with the most upward movement.Aka the hi flyers.The key to making money with these is to get in early,with alot of size,and sell into the spikes when everybodys buying.The two ways to go are 1)Buy above the previous days high +.10 2)Buy the close on a long range hi vol day up,hold overnight for a continuation day up.Watch the stock to see how it opens over the last 30 days.See if it has any "open gap potential".Also see how volatile the stock is intra day,what kind of spread its trading at,ect.You don't want to be stuck in a stock thats hard to get of,just in case you get into trouble.Good luck,Mike.....
chetron 2,817 posts msg #64348 - Ignore chetron |
6/25/2008 4:51:18 PM
miketranz 975 posts msg #64353 - Ignore miketranz |
6/25/2008 7:46:36 PM
Thank you for contributing to this thread.Its been not only educational,but very entertaining as well.Can anyone come up with a clickable filter for a stock making a new 6 month high w/25% higher volume than the previous day,must break upper bollinger band,avg vloume (30) above 200000,price between .20 and 12,w/one extra kicker,must not have made any other new 6 month highs within the last 6 months.This filter will possibly catch a stock like ROYL breaking out of a low level consolidation.I'm working on something and will be willing to share it with those who are interested.I really appreciate any help on this one.Thanks,Mike.......
EWZuber 1,373 posts msg #64354 - Ignore EWZuber |
6/25/2008 10:48:38 PM
I believe that Oneal went belly up at one point because he didn't realize that most breakouts fail in bear markets.
miketranz 975 posts msg #64356 - Ignore miketranz |
6/25/2008 11:29:24 PM
Trendsurfer,thanks for your help.Try this momentum screen.RSI overbought on the home page screen.......
TrendSurfer 109 posts msg #64357 - Ignore TrendSurfer modified |
6/26/2008 12:32:41 AM
Thanks guys, take care and good trading!
miketranz 975 posts msg #64358 - Ignore miketranz |
6/26/2008 9:12:38 AM
Sounds good,and thank you.Mike....
TheRumpledOne 6,416 posts msg #64359 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
6/26/2008 9:32:15 AM
"Here is a little secret, it only takes 2 or 3% more efficiency to outperform 97% of the market. If you can average out of every 10 trade setups - 8 triggers - 3 stop you out quick - 5 move your way quick - 3 give you single digit gain in a few days - 2 give you double digit gain in a few days - you are winning big time. All of this presupposes you have a refined method and the emotional fortitude to take a trade. " - TrendSurfer
Shows which stocks "POPPED" 5% or more the most times over the last 100 days.