StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · total a column<< >>Post Follow-up
39 posts
msg #45924
Ignore garryp
7/17/2006 1:20:31 PM

is there a way I can create a total sum for a column

2,824 posts
msg #45933
Ignore nikoschopen
7/17/2006 5:29:55 PM

As far as I understand, different columns are made up of different variables for different stocks that probably have different agendas of varying degrees. Hence, it doesn't make any difference one way or the other had you tallied up the columns made up of different variables for different stocks that probably have different agendas of varying degrees. They would all spit out different results made up of different variables for different stocks that probably have different agendas of varying degrees. So what was I saying?

39 posts
msg #45934
Ignore garryp
7/17/2006 7:42:02 PM

My head hurts!

2,824 posts
msg #45938
Ignore nikoschopen
7/17/2006 9:13:10 PM

Hehe. Sorry, I got carried away. What I meant to say was that ure mistaken to think StockFetcher can be used in a spreadsheet-like calculations. In Excel, for example, you might have a cluster of similar variables (eg. open or close) in one column with which you can find, say, an average over the period of x days. But with StockFetcher ure left with columns of data made up of different stocks. It certainly wouldn't make much sense to "total a column" when the data within the given column have no relevance to one another other.

Just my 2-cents.

70 posts
msg #45940
Ignore itrademan
7/17/2006 11:39:16 PM

Any calculation across stock columns is not supported in StocFetcher you have to download the CSV file in spreadsheet applications like Excel.

There could be some meaningful uses such as filter stocks by groups further and calulcate total profits and winning probability. Maybe Garryp could shed some light what he is looking for.

39 posts
msg #45966
Ignore garryp
7/19/2006 11:20:42 AM

Guys, thanks for the replies. Due to my old-timers disease, I have forgotten exactly what I wanted to sum, but it was in a variation of the TRO gap filter, since discarded. I am intrigued by not only the filter, but the stats behind it, which I plan on using in other situations - never thought of that! (old timers again?)

And of course, you are right, there are many more things that SF should consider before even reading my post! I suggested a few, get a pleasant auto-answer, and nothing I consider important ever appears, so I guess they wern't important. But SF = spreadsheet - definitely not!

It is very easy to accomplish any type of (misleading) calculation in excel!

nikoschopen, your explanation was not misunderstood, but the elegant manner in which you stated your opinion, well, made my head hurt! :)

2,824 posts
msg #45967
Ignore nikoschopen
7/19/2006 11:44:23 AM


Please consider it as the abbreviated form of my otherwise glaringly obvious mea culpa.

StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · total a column<< >>Post Follow-up

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