StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Watchlist...or, Anything That Moves ? Whats your pleasure ?<< 1 2 3 >>Post Follow-up
6,411 posts
msg #41610
Ignore TheRumpledOne
2/27/2006 6:58:24 PM

markcrisp 2/27/2006 1:45:16 AM


What is do great about XSNX?

Thank you"

I think all the XSNX scoop is in the DETECTIVE WORK II thread in this forum.

XSNX has a great product... a film that turns office windows into solar panels. And since it's in the $1 - $2 range, the $.10 scalps are a 5 - 10% return on your money in a day.

I just load the boat and when my target is hit, I sell enough shares to get my money back and keep the "free" shares.

The finding the next NTRI filter seems to be finding winners at the moment... plenty of free shares to be had.

19 posts
msg #41613
Ignore Dan-o
2/27/2006 9:04:40 PM


Just joined Stockfetcher after about three years of using it on the web with the five (now ten) day delay. I am "shotgun" to the nth degree; I don't care what the stock is or what industry it's in, if it has potential for a move I'll consider it as a trade. My favorite set-ups are Bollinger Band squeezes (lack of volatility begets volatility) accompanied by an RSI that's hitting a min or a max and is starting to move in the opposite direction.



359 posts
msg #41614
Ignore yepher
2/27/2006 9:12:09 PM

I have a couple of filters that find a basket of candidates (typically 10-20. Than I manually search through those that actually look good to me on both short term charts and up to 20 year charts. Usually up to one or two make it through that elimination process. As I have said before on this site I really like triangles. I don’t look for triangles with “pattern is symmetric triangle” I use volatility and my eye to find them.

My picks make the list by having very low relative volatility and a dollar volume above $1M. I only pick stocks that I feel will give a 20% return within 1 month. I am pretty sensitive to stocks that take longer than they should for a break out. I try and buy only at support and I never hold if the stock breaks the support. The caveat here is I have been known to misjudge support and will hold upon a clear mistake and the stock breaks below my previous view of what support was (if I was not too wrong).

As you can see BCON has failed on that chart but many of the others are right on.
On that the watch list I am out of BCON and TIVO. The others I am looking for my exit and generally already have a limit sell set for each ones target. Once I leave the trade I will watch the volatility again and figure out what I think they will do. If I don't see them making another run I purge them from the list.
I think my strategy is really simple and has not really changed for a year or more. In Back-testing my filter does badly. In application I am satisfied with it and trust my system enough to weather the losses that do occur. This week I have not found any new stocks to add to the watch list but will keep searching.

-- Yepher

2,025 posts
msg #41617
Ignore alf44
2/27/2006 11:46:16 PM

YO...Dan-o & yepher !

Thanks for the posts !

First, say..."volatility begets volatility..."

AMEN !!!

This concept (ie. Range Contraction/Range Expansion)...once recognized...makes deciphering the Markets "somewhat" easier !

I like your style !!!

Please tell me MORE !!!


yepher...your contributions to this site are well documented !

For ALL you do...this ...uhhh...Guinness is for you !!!

Thanks for the follow-up posts !

Feel free to embellish further...if you wish ! tia



2,824 posts
msg #41645
Ignore nikoschopen
2/28/2006 7:40:22 PM

One of my biggest gripes about maintaining a watch list is that I have a tendency to stash too many stocks in it. Needless to say, having too many stocks is no better than having nada. Now I just shoot from the hips when it comes to gunslinging. Be that as it may, my biggest gripe is actually spending upwards of 2 hours or more every night looking through a myriad of tea leaves, of which I'll trade perhaps 2 or 3 stocks the next day. I'm more than pissed for not being able to budget my time more efficiently. (It's for this reason why I'm using a screener in the first place, no?) Does anyone have a better idea? What gives?

6,411 posts
msg #41649
Ignore TheRumpledOne
2/28/2006 10:06:56 PM

Part of the problem is due to LACK OF FOCUS:

Paying attention to what other stocks are doing and what other people are doing instead of "MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS".

"I could have made $$$$$ if I had only..."

That's the root of the problem.

2,824 posts
msg #41652
Ignore nikoschopen
2/28/2006 10:36:25 PM

I can't help but laugh at ure comment about "I shoulda, woulda, coulda..." as the key source of my frustration. I lost the thread of ure argument at first, but with little mental exertion I realized that ure harking back to my previous posts about having bailed out of a trade prematurely and thereby missing out on a bigger potential profit. But I wouldn't exactly call that a "lack of focus". After all, it was the profit target which I initially placed that got me out—albeit prematurely. Yet I can't connect the dots between my errant behavior and ure accusation of "Paying attention to what other stocks are doing and what other people are doing instead of "MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS"." My question was more about how I may better spend the time analyzing stocks, most of which will never see the light of day, not about trading. Or is it?

2,824 posts
msg #41748
Ignore nikoschopen
3/4/2006 4:51:37 PM


Thanks for bringing those finer points to my attention. Yes, I have gained much insight, let alone pleasure, from the nightly orgy of weeding out the undesirables. But I obviously need to get a better handle on this side of trading.

In all fairness, I took TRO's remark not so much as a criticism than a misunderstanding on his part. But in light of ure comment, I can see how I also misconstrued his well-intentioned meaning.

6,411 posts
msg #41751
Ignore TheRumpledOne
3/4/2006 8:59:10 PM

The FINDING THE NEXT NTRI FILTER is finding all the stocks I need.

Look at the performance last week!

Do I care about other stocks... NOT AT ALL!!

Not when XSNX, GNBT and IVAN are on the list.

I took the first week's stocks and put them in a watchlist.

Then I run the filter and add any new stock it finds to my watchlist.

It's more than enough.

Look at the stocks it found and what they have done so far. Trading 10,000 shares each, you could be done trading for the year unless you're really

So by "focussing" and "minding my own business", I am profiting.

It's that simple.


2,025 posts
msg #41735
Ignore alf44
3/5/2006 8:25:13 PM

"One of my biggest gripes about maintaining a watch list is that I have a tendency to stash too many stocks in it."


That IS a bit of a dilemma...but, like a good gardener you have to "pull the weeds" in order to allow the "strong plants" to flourish !


" biggest gripe is actually spending upwards of 2 hours or more every night looking through a myriad of tea leaves, of which I'll trade perhaps 2 or 3 stocks the next day. I'm more than pissed for not being able to budget my time more efficiently..."


I'm thinking "Rumpled" may have been more on the mark here in his reply than you gave him credit for when he said..."LACK OF FOCUS" ! I don't think he meant it as a criticism...and I certainly don't either. In fact, in my opening posts on this thread I used the words FOCUS and FAMILIARITY to describe what I think to be the advantages of taking a "Watchlist" approach versus a "Shotgun" approach. What I DIDN'T say...but should be that inherent in this "Watchlist" approach is missed opportunities.

By FOCUSING on only a FEW WILL NOT be FOCUSING on ALL stocks !

Big deal !

There will be more than enough "opportunities"

When looking at "a myriad of tea leaves" (and I assume you are metaphorically referring to charts) you need to have a CLEAR idea of WHAT EXACTLY you are looking for, in terms of a set-up...a chart Indicator...or, whatever !

AND...chances are...if you don't see "IT" should just move on to the next chart !

BUT...let me also say this...that BECAUSE you have gone through the effort of your nightly ritual of "looking at a myriad of tea leaves"...only to play "2 or 3 stocks the next day" have GAINED INSIGHT from that process ?

You have gained a "feel" for what the overall Market is doing...

...for what other Stocks are doing...

...for what other Sectors are doing ???

This has NOT been time has been time well spent...or, at least it should have been !


Just my opinions of course !



StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Watchlist...or, Anything That Moves ? Whats your pleasure ?<< 1 2 3 >>Post Follow-up

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