StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · WISHLIST FOR STOCKFETCHER IN 2012<< 1 2 3 4 >>Post Follow-up
4,599 posts
msg #107812
Ignore Kevin_in_GA
8/26/2012 12:30:55 PM

Back to my original post:

1/1/2012 11:26:39 AM

1. Be able to use monthly data as well as weekly and daily.

2. Introduce a DATE function that would let users call back to a specific date in filters rather than having to update "offset" or "days ago" functions every day.

3. Include commissions in backtest data - let users enter a commission cost in the backtest, perhaps as an advanced option.

4. Replace the "Annualized ROI" in the current backtest with the actual return over the given period (and have it include commissions if checked).

5. Allow indices to be used in filters.

6. Nightly email for watchlists, similar to what is currently done with filters.


None of these have been done, but of more concern to me is there have been no significant improvements to SF code capabilities in several years. SF 2.0 and the new watchlists are still technically in beta stage years after being introduced, and very few if any of the requested improvements and bug reports have been addressed.

I've made this point many times before - people subscribe to SF for the filtering capability, not pretty charts. This is an area where you need to stay ahead of the competition, and you are losing your edge. In backtesting you are already well behind other vendors, and without a meaningful effort put into this area you will never be competitive. And as a filter is only as good as it's backtest data, these two are critical to develop in parallel.

I now do all of my filter development and backtesting using other software, and only recode these into SF to share with the other forum members. I find myself asking "why am I still paying for this subscription if I have to use other services to develop my trading systems?" I mean this feedback to be constructive - these areas are where you need to focus the next round of development of this product, or you will lose subscribers.

980 posts
msg #107813
8/26/2012 12:37:53 PM

Thanks for the great list of suggestions and comments!

By the way, #2 should be doable via "date offset is MM/DD/YYYY". For example:

Fetcher[show stocks where high reached a new 52 week high
and date offset is 12/15/2011

StockFetcher Support

4,599 posts
msg #107814
Ignore Kevin_in_GA
8/26/2012 2:07:22 PM

I'm not looking for thanks, but for input on if or when these might actually be implemented. You provided basically the same comment on 2/2/2012 and so far there has been nothing done on these (or any requested by others in this thread).

As to #2, the date offset moves the filter results back to that date. What I am suggesting is to be able to reference a specific date for an indicator as part of today's results. For example - the ROC since 6/1/2012 updated daily. Or the delta in MACD since XX-YY-ZZZZ as of the close of trading today. Basically, I want to see how an indicator has done since a specific date, not what is was on that date.

980 posts
msg #107815
8/26/2012 2:28:10 PM

Thank you for the clarification on the specific date feature you are interested in.

With respect to the other features:

1. Be able to use monthly data as well as weekly and daily.

- This is something we do not have plans on adding at this time.

3. Include commissions in backtest data - let users enter a commission cost in the backtest, perhaps as an advanced option.

- We are looking into this feature and hope to have this available within the next week or two.

4. Replace the "Annualized ROI" in the current backtest with the actual return over the given period (and have it include commissions if checked).

- We are not looking to replace "Annualized Return"; however, we do plan on including the "actual return" as another metric. This is part of the update planned for #3.

5. Allow indices to be used in filters.

- As indicated previously, and via the help topic (see: Can an index appear in filter results?) we have no plans on including them in filter results as they do not have volume.

6. Nightly email for watchlists, similar to what is currently done with filters.

- As indicated in the past, using the "apply to watchlist" or "apply to symlist" in a saved filter, and emailing those results accomplishes this functionality without the need of another email option. Please see: Feature Request: NIGHTLY EMAIL OF WATCHLISTS ...

Thank you again!

StockFetcher Support

4,599 posts
msg #107816
Ignore Kevin_in_GA
8/26/2012 3:01:44 PM

Thanks. #2, #3, and #4 were my most important ones. The monthly data would be nice if possible. The others are less important and have had follow on discussions for each.


963 posts
msg #107820
Ignore marine2
8/27/2012 3:44:00 PM

I have been a StockFetcher member for a number of years and granted I am not anywhere as skilled as my fellow SF members here yet I still would enjoy a few enhancements. I am like others here that have written to SF before on those enchancements and all I had gotten in response was we thank you for your suggestions and we will look into them. Nothing ever happened since then so I more or less gave up responding.

The existing system as it is seems to still keep me on board because of the filtering capabilities for my particular needs. One of my wants would be to simply be able to sort alphebetically my watch list items then from there be able to renumber them accordingly if I so chose or leave them in alphebetical order in list form and leave the WL# as is. Or be able to renumber that specific watch list item and StockFetcher would automatically resort the watch list numbers. Simple request in my eyes since StockFetcher has already programmed this alphabetical sort into their watch list sub listings already. Sub listings means the actual stock symbol and its company name making up a specific watch list listing.

I have enjoyed this service yet do hope to see continual improvement so as SF does not lose their business to another competitor. Keep working hard for us StockFetcher and we will continue to be your loyal followers.

231 posts
msg #107832
Ignore wkloss
8/28/2012 10:35:06 AM


I would like to revisit Kevin's point #5: Allow indices to be used in filters.

Your response has been that indices don't have volume. Neither do indicators. Not 1 share of "Moving Average" traded yesterday.

I find myself having to go to ETFREPLAY to use the VIX and other indices when I should be able to use them here.

I appreciate your site while at the same time agree with the growing frustration from lack of progress.


980 posts
msg #107833
8/28/2012 10:42:22 AM

Unfortunately, I am not sure I follow your argument comparing "Moving Average" to an index. If I understood the original request, the desire is to see indices appear as results/matches from a filter. As indicated, because indices do not have shares traded, not all measures are supported for them, so they will not appear as results to a filter.

Specific values/measures can be computed for indices (and used in filter logic) via the "ind()" functionality.

Please provide more details concerning the comparison between and index and "Moving Average", as that may help us understand your frustration at the lack of specific functionality.

Thank you,

StockFetcher Support

8,057 posts
msg #107834
Ignore karennma
8/28/2012 11:54:16 AM

How about sorting by PEG ratio?

231 posts
msg #107836
Ignore wkloss
8/28/2012 2:51:56 PM


Thanks for your reply and I will try to help you understand my concern. BTW, the 2nd paragraph of your response may hold the answer although I don't understand the coding you suggest yet (probably because I have never researched that funtionality).

My comment about moving averages not having daily trading volume probably says a lot about communication. Your point about indices not having volume doesn't make any more sense to me than my comment back to you. People from different fields frequently don't understand what the other person is saying.

This topic,, titled VIX variance vs. 10 day moving average, illustrates the gyrations necessary to use an index on Stockfetcher. If you just read the 1st page, you will see how complicated it can be trying to use an index to generate a signal. For a couple of specifics, I would like to code VIX crossing above upper or below lower Bollinger Bands 9, 2.0 and when it moves above or below various moving averages. I don't need volume and since I didn't create StockFetcher, I have no idea how volume interacts with other aspects of your software.

I suspect several of your members can work around this but they possess a level of intelligence in coding that I simply don't have and may never have unless I quit my day job and devote full time to learning this. IMO, making Stockfetcher easier to use by adding functionality should improve your business.


StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · WISHLIST FOR STOCKFETCHER IN 2012<< 1 2 3 4 >>Post Follow-up

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