I appreciate the excellent commentary on this thread....Keep up the good work....
Question - What is the Booyah Buy Zone?....also, while in Charleston, visit the rooftop bar at the Market Pavilion Hotel at sunset for cocktails....best views in the city....watching the boats in the harbor, Fort Sumter in the distance, and the city lights as they begin to flicker on......
- jcollins01 1/1/2010 5:12:13 PM
I know this is a dumb question, but how did you embed charts in your post?
Not a dumb question.
I haven't figured it out either.
And it's frustrating because ... "a picture is worth a thousand words".
Here we go!
On the Home Page click "StockFetcher Chart"
Click "Options" (on the left)
Click "share chart"
Click "copy"
I clicked choice #2 (Embedded HTML code)
Can someone please post a screen that displays stocks that fit certain criteria (ie Stochastics slow just crossed above stochastics fast, where both are between 20-30), but ONLY display those stocks on days when the VIX is trading near it's upper BB and its RSI is in the 90th percentile?
I might have a portion of it done, but I can't build specifically the VIX criteria component that I'm seeking (where I basically only want to see this list on optimal buying periods during bull markets - the market dips). For example, "vix closed above vix10dma within the past 3 days".
Thanks to anyone for the help.
I figured it out. And it's very effective for finding bottoms.... Essentially, when you sort for low RSI's, low Stochastics, hi beta, and hi VIX (defined by over 4.7-5% above the 10dayma), then it only picks stocks that will move fast, but are technically 'low'. I also set this up to sort for great oil/energy/gas plays, based on the Oil Volatility Index (displayed below).... many parts of this I grabbed from others (thanks Kevin).
apply to Sector(ENERGY)
and apply to Sector(oil)
and apply to Sector(oil and gas)
rsi is under 30
beta is above 2
price is above 1
Average Volume(30) is above 100000
Show stocks where Fast Stochastic(13,3) Slow %D is below 20
add column beta
add column rsi
set{ovx10dayma, cma(ind(^ovx,close),10)}
draw ovx10dayma
draw ind(^ovx,close) on plot ovx10dayma
set{4.7pct,ovx10dayma * .047}
set{plus4.7%,ovx10dayma plus 4.7pct}
draw plus4.7% on plot ovx10dayma
set{minus4.7%,ovx10dayma minus 4.7pct}
draw minus4.7% on plot ovx10dayma
and ind(^ovx,close) is above plus4.7% on plot ovx10dayma
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