wirechild 11 posts msg #52020 - Ignore wirechild |
6/6/2007 12:57:22 PM
Thank You as214 for your detailed explanations about your methods. I am going to play around with them and try to backtest them. I have always thought VV was too expensive, but I might give it a try and see how I like it.
Arooj 15 posts msg #52027 - Ignore Arooj |
6/6/2007 4:31:38 PM
Hi as214,
Thanks for a great explanation of your trading philosophy - I remember some of your prior posts, and now I have to go back and reprint them for my notebook (homework for the grownup ;-).
Intermediate term options with deltas as near 0.65 help to stay on the fastest accelerating part of the appreciation curve, and would be my choice of weapon since it takes mucho dinero to take full advantage of the direct stock purchase in a multi-month time frame. The options could be swapped out for newer ones when the d's near 1.
Please continue your updates whenever you have the chance. Looks like I have to say my mea culpas to VV and renew my subscription in the near future......
xray 6 posts msg #52037 - Ignore xray |
6/7/2007 2:59:30 AM
Dear RTO thank you for your kind words, as214 deserves the recognition of sharing his method (especial something that works, is simple, effective and practical IMHO).
Dear as214,
your detailed explanations helped me a lot to understand your previous posts.
I'm reviewing everything and brush up and I will try to find some stock worth to discuss and analyze.
Thank you so much for all your help, I'm sure when I'll test drive VV I'll have a lot more questions...
For the beginning I'll start asking your opinion (through VV eyes as well) about PFE and TSO. How undervalued they are and what will become a good entry point?
yours, xray
AdamW328 84 posts msg #57322 - Ignore AdamW328 |
12/1/2007 10:38:00 PM
I just wanted to bump this thread. I really felt it gave a great deal of insight into trading from a fundamental standpoint. Moreover, the extremely helpful and self-less discussion between members here at SF on the thread is really what this is all about. For those helping the less experienced traders like myself, keep it up and thanks!