TheRumpledOne 6,416 posts msg #64768 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
7/7/2008 11:42:10 AM
- Confucious.
TrendSurfer 109 posts msg #64769 - Ignore TrendSurfer modified |
7/7/2008 1:05:58 PM
::: klynn55 ::: Your post allows me to make an important point...
It shouldn't have taken a single minute, to figure out that when you moved across those two charts from left to right. That simple blue line revealed the markets multi-day moves virtually 100% of the time. And 80% plus of the time, 1 to 2 days in advance, right on a Daily SF Chart.
If that didn't shoot fireworks off you your head, I wouldn't have a clue what to say or show next that would make any difference. What if there was one single thing that could turn someones trading results completely around and put them into the game, on the playing field with the best out there? Tell me, how much value something like that would be worth in real terms?
The people I deal with everyday, understand connection and commitment. 1) How to make a connection, and 2) how important commitment is to opening doors to new opportunities.
I guarantee you, plenty gained value just simply from seeing something is possible. And for those players who knew it already, additional confirmation always helps, doesn't it? Simple as letting the market come to you, instead of chasing it!
::: Thanks for everyone's post to this thread, that's good stuff :::
miketranz 975 posts msg #64771 - Ignore miketranz |
7/7/2008 5:58:45 PM
Avery,how about this one;"There's two fools in every market,one who buys too high,and one who buys too low....
jimhbutton 104 posts msg #64774 - Ignore jimhbutton |
7/7/2008 10:56:55 PM
TrendSurfer wrote:
"I'm a price purist when it comes to trading, all my decisions come from the price action on the charts, including the fear and greed they reveal on a daily basis. I've learned over the years to ALLOW NOTHING to influence me other than that."
The best books that I've ever read on the simplicity of just prices for stock trading were written by a StockFetcher poster, Jayesh Patel, titled:
(1) "Profit from Prices: All You Need for Profit in Stock Trading is Stock Prices."
(2) "Profit From Price- Innovative approach to stock market trading."
His books can be perused @ the following addresses:
Jayesh Patel's StockFetcher scans listed in his books can be found by typing in pateljr in the Forum Search function.
His informative website is @
His ideas have influenced my own trading style immensely.
TheRumpledOne 6,416 posts msg #64793 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
7/8/2008 8:33:29 PM
Interesting that this is another way of looking at Muddy's "WAIT FOR GREEN".
TheRumpledOne 6,416 posts msg #64809 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
7/9/2008 11:15:08 AM
UTURNS shows the number of U-turns in the last 5 days ( usually a 1 )
UDAYS shows the number of days since the last U-turn.
TrendSurfer 109 posts msg #64816 - Ignore TrendSurfer modified |
7/9/2008 5:03:57 PM
There are a couple short segments of news I tune into to get the sentiment the media has settled into for the day. Could say, one of my FEAR & GREED indicators.
I guess I was a few minutes early tuning in and another segment was finishing up, the interviewer ask the expert, where are the markets going right now?
His response: ... you'll be ok, if you don't turn those paper loses into real losses by selling now ...
So typical of a money manager, he has his clients convinced the money they've lost in their account is only paper loses... He was so congruent, it was like he even believes it, bet he's been saying this for weeks, or maybe since last November.
I almost fell out of my chair laughing at that statement.
Sure enough, he didn't follow-up with, ... it will only take a year or two to get back to even, maybe, if you're lucky ...
Of course they want your money to stay in the account, and they don't want to have to call you and tell you when to be in cash. That would just be a hassle, wouldn't it?
Anticipate and understand that markets correct, just don't let it take your cash and profits with it. Nobody cares more about your money than you and so easy to learn methods to slip into and out of the markets. When to be fully committed, and when to back off your trading, anticipate and be patient.
numbat55 1 posts msg #64833 - Ignore numbat55 |
7/10/2008 5:33:07 AM
Ive saved your post, it is one of the best posts or descriptions I have ever read many thanks to you sir.