fotchstecker 304 posts msg #155932 - Ignore fotchstecker modified |
2/23/2021 1:36:03 PM
Dear Stockfetcher:
It's been a while since any new features have been released. There are three that would be killer:
1. Historical results, simplified.
Run a filter starting some date in the past. The results view gives you all of the FORWARD filter runs with each date's symbols and their FORWARD results with the AVERAGED stats. Knowing the average of the highest-highs and lowest-lows will help real world trading by knowing where to set stops and take profits. This is NEEDED.
These results give you a good gauge for setting stops, profits, and holding periods. They COLLATE the filter's performance over time.
Here's what I currently use to understand SF flters using exported data from another system. The "start date" is the date the filter returned the symbol. The stats are based on OHLC data from the start date going forward.
2. All returned symbols from starting date, simple list for export:
Run a filter from some date in the past. There should be an option to output simple list of ALL of the tickers and the dates they appeared from a start date to an end date. This is not the "export CSV" feature that already exists and only includes one day. This is all days over a range. This useful for analysis here and in other systems. Eg:
ACRX 11/13/2020
ETSY 11/13/2020
TWLO 11/13/2020
AXNX 11/16/2020
GGB 11/18/2020
ASND 11/24/2020
CUBE 11/24/2020
DCUE 11/27/2020
ALYA 12/1/2020
ABT 12/2/2020
ALJJ 12/4/2020
VALU 12/4/2020
ONCT 12/8/2020
CTLT 12/8/2020
CMI 12/10/2020
ABC 12/11/2020
PHI 12/11/2020
KINS 12/15/2020
RC 12/16/2020
BJRI 12/17/2020
MOH 12/17/2020
YINN 12/18/2020
JP 12/18/2020
ONCY 12/24/2020
ICF 12/24/2020
LORL 12/24/2020
3a. In the filter results table, indicate how many times a given symbol has appeared in the filter results over X days, where X is configurable somewhere in the interface. What good is it to eyeball the last 3 negative returns for GOOG but where the earliest return is 74%? How can anyone use results with zero context? This adds context.
3b. To add to the above, a column with "cumulative return" up to the current date would help us interpret the symbols that have appeared several times over a recent period.
---actually, 3a/b could be part of one larger historial results view, too.
Really need some new tools for understanding filter results. Please consider. Thanks.