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59 posts
msg #48206
Ignore RocketFetcher
11/28/2006 12:42:15 PM

More Popular than Online Gambling... "More Profitable than Amazon and eBay" calls it the "holy grail of the Internet" and tech giant Nortel says there's so much traffic going to these new sites that there's a risk it "could push the Net to the brink" of collapse

But venture capitalists think it's the hottest investment in over 8 years and have labeled it Boom 2.0. In fact, an investment of just $11.5 million in a start-up 19 months ago returned 14,247%.

And here's the best part: There's only one pure publicly-traded company in this booming technology. and it trades for just $4! I personally own the stock and won't sell until it hits $20!

Dear reader:

In December 2005, a new technology bull market started when someone recorded a Saturday Night Live music video parody called Lazy Sunday and uploaded it to YouTube, an online video website.

Word spread about the video through e-mails and chat rooms... and literally overnight YouTube went from 600,000 daily users to 3 million.


Well, Internet users watch 700 million videos on YouTube every single week! That's huge.

So huge that Google purchased YouTube for $1.65 billion.

One of the original investors is said to be walking away with $460 million... after giving YouTube $11.5 million in capital.

This has launched a mega bull market in online video... and it's why I'm recommending a $4 online video stock...the only publicly traded online video stock available to investors.

In a minute, I'll tell you more about this company... and its plan to capture a significant share of the market.

But first let me tell you why online video is the wave of the future for the Internet.

Birth of a New Technology Bull Market

Even before the YouTube buyout this past October, the industry buzz was that online video was about to explode into the stratosphere... and lead technology into a new bull market.

I couldn't agree more. Let me explain...

YouTube was founded just 19-months ago by a couple of code writers from Silicon Valley. During that time, the company remained private. So when Google came knocking with $1.65 billion, Wall Street got left out in the cold. There was no way for Wall Street or individual investors like you and me to profit from it.

I mean think about that for a second. In just a year-and-a-half, a company went from just an idea with $0 valuation to one of hottest websites worth $1.65 billion. That's a money-making tipping point, my friend.

How? Because Wall Street missed the boat on YouTube. But it won't miss it the next time around.

As you read this, Wall Street investment bankers are scrambling to find online video providers to invest in and to take public.


Because online video is the Holy Grail of the Internet.

In fact, as early as 2000, movie rental giant Blockbuster was talking about providing movies for download off the Internet. But it was way too soon. The technology just wasn't there to allow for a quick download. Downloading Saving Private Ryan would take 7-hours. Who wants to wait for that?!?

Today, however, that's all changed. With DSL, cable and high-speed wireless connections, online video is booming. Check this out: 110 million people download 250 million online videos every single day!

As a result, online video advertising is expected to skyrocket. Take a look:

* From less than 1 million in 2005 to over 50 million unique viewers per month watching UGV (user-generated video) online today

* Overall video ad spending is estimated to grow from $640 million in 2007 to $1.5 billion in 2009

* Fastest single growing area within advertising sector

* Internet video grew by 50.2% in 2005 to 17.9 billion streams and is forecast to grow by 32% in 2006 to over 23 billion served

This is a revolution. And Wall Street knows it.

I believe the next 2 to 3 years are going to be boom times for technology stocks in general, and online video stocks in particular.

But here's the problem: can you name me a stock that's a pure play on online video?

You can't, because they didn't exist. Until now.

A few weeks ago, the very first online video site stock started trading. I immediately recommended it to my readers. In fact, I bought some myself while it was still trading at $4.

I think it's going to $20.

This assumes, of course, that this $4 online video stock isn't acquired first by some big media company.

We've already seen this with YouTube, which you know was acquired by Google for $1.65 billion.

But did you know that other online video and "social networking" sites are being snapped up at huge premiums?

These sites are hotter than Super Bowl tickets. Take a look:

* News Corp. buys MySpace for $580 million in 2005
* AtomFilms acquired for $200 million by MTV/Viacom on August 10, 2006
* bought out by Sony Pictures for $65 million on August 22, 2006
* YouTube acquired by Google for $1.65 billion

Before I go any further, I'd like to talk about the YouTube acquisition, because financially, it's not much different from our $4 online video stock.

You see, YouTube was financed mainly by a venture capital firm called Sequoia Capital. They invested roughly $11.5 million in the company in the past twelve months.

It turned out to be the investment of a lifetime.

That $11.5 million grew YouTube into a $1.65 billion buyout. We're talking about a gain of over 14,000%!

Our $4 online video stock is pretty much in the same situation. They've raised $12 million in financing . . . yet investment bankers were ready to investment 16 times more.

That's because the site has actually been around longer than YouTube and they are doing things with major media that will set itself apart from the rest of the pack.

Plus, they're traffic is robust. They average between 700,000 and 1.3 million videos streamed per day... and it's growing every month.

In September I went to New York to visit with the company's top brass. The atmosphere was electric. There were literally a dozen institutional investors standing in the lobby ready to hand them bags of cash.

And it's easy to see why Wall Street is salivating to get a piece of the action. With traffic to these websites growing every week, advertisement dollars going into online video are expected to grow dramatically.

This stock is going to run... and run hard.

And I want you in it before it takes off any further. As it stands now, the stock came public at $3 a share and is already trading at $4.

But I won't sell a single share until it hits $20 a share. And as hot as this market is, I expect it to reach that price next year.

I have a full-blown report ready to go. I'm sending it out to all of my members to my new free technology letter, Quantum Investor. I urge you to sign up today so that you'll get my exclusive report: Invest in the Next YouTube: How to Triple Your Profits During the Online Video Bull Market.

This report is free... and you'll receive it as soon as you sign up.

Don't wait. Become a member to Quantum Investor now... and get the inside scoop to the hottest tech trend of the 21st Century.

sign up


Brian Hicks
Publisher, Quantum Investor

Quantum Investor

299 posts
msg #48212
Ignore wallman
11/28/2006 9:03:18 PM



59 posts
msg #48215
Ignore RocketFetcher
11/28/2006 10:38:15 PM

Thanks Muddy! Will add it to my watch list

174 posts
msg #48222
Ignore ham1198
11/29/2006 7:10:17 AM

'gofh' is no longer valid. It has changed to GOFH.OB.

195 posts
msg #48223
Ignore traderblues
11/29/2006 7:34:47 AM

It still trades as GOFH. You only need to type GOFH.OB if you are viewing it in Yahoo. This is typical for most OTC stocks.

299 posts
msg #48291
Ignore wallman
12/1/2006 3:37:45 PM

It's alive and kicking,looks like bail time soon but who knows with these spam stocks
GOFH at 4.25 near close

6,411 posts
msg #48301
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/1/2006 8:25:13 PM

RSI(2) was .529 on 11/28/06 and the close was $2.50.


Close 12/01/06 $4.10.

Any questions about rsi(2)?

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