StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Is this a crash or a correction?<< 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 ... 22 >>Post Follow-up
8,057 posts
msg #145247
Ignore karennma
11/12/2018 5:00:40 PM

Trump Admin trying to keep market propped up, but it ain't happening.
All busts start with HOUSING. Same as last time. (2008)


963 posts
msg #145248
Ignore marine2
11/12/2018 5:17:12 PM

No signs of a slow down economy as yet. The interest rates are still good, production is still up, jobs reports look good, and so forth. This is just a normal slow down all to take some profits off many stocks that have done so well over a long time period. Also, we haven’t heard of any crazy stuff happening when it comes to lending out money to the young people. The most negative news comes from the election tampering, the growing illegal’s caravans, terrible fires in S. Calif., and our trade war with China. These areas of concern are temporary head aches that will eventually die down and go away.

1,374 posts
msg #145249
Ignore Cheese
11/12/2018 7:04:20 PM

I agree with marine2.

It's not a simple case of US asset prices going down.
It is also because the US dollar is strong.
US interest rates have been rising but they are still below what the Fed considered as normal.

Further, there is a November 15 hedge fund redemption date deadline, which apparently translated to:
-$32.8B of S&P futures for sale
-$21.6B of selling in NQ1
-$17.4B for sale in Russell minis.

A good case can still be made to have faith in America and Americans.
Stats from organizations like the IMF show that the US economy is currently the most competitive
in the world and US workers are among the most productive in the world.
Further, other countries have been stealing US technology and intellectual property, but it is
almost unheard of for American companies to steal technology from other countries.
Every payday, Japanese workers rush to convert their pay to US dollars by buying US treasuries.

Trade war won't end with peace, only cease fire for the other side to reload.
When Trump objected to the Made in China 2025 strategic plan to make China the No 1 economy,
China said it will change it to Made in China 2030 or even Made in China 2035. But the Chinese
officials interviewed said that they only changed the years. There was no plan to change policies, yet.

US soybean farmers are willing to suffer for the good of the country.
Other patriotic Americans should have faith and do their share so that the other side understands
that America has the resolve and the ability to win.

8,057 posts
msg #145252
Ignore karennma
11/12/2018 8:17:57 PM

NFLX will never see $400 again.

5,087 posts
msg #145253
Ignore four
11/13/2018 7:41:57 AM

Apple will sell fewer iPhones in the fourth quarter and cause "a ripple effect throughout the supply chain," AlphaOne Capital Partners founding partner Dan Niles told CNBC on Monday.

8,057 posts
msg #145255
Ignore karennma
11/13/2018 9:17:10 AM

AAPL is now $191 -- AGAIN.
I knew when they started selling their products on AMZN, things were slowing down.

All I have to do is look at the price action since I bought my stocks last year.
Everything has turned to sh*+.
Like the Schwab woman said -- "this is the tail-end of the bull market" ...

8,057 posts
msg #145256
Ignore karennma
11/13/2018 9:20:33 AM

This is not a correction ...
This market's been trying to crash since Jan 28, 2018.
I'm with Ralph Acampora .. gonna do some more painting.

8,057 posts
msg #145267
Ignore karennma
11/14/2018 4:41:21 PM

Bubble deflating ...
Reminds me of the day my neighbor went out to his car and saw he had a flat tire.
"I don't know how that happened", he said.
He rarely drove the car. I watched that tire lose air for months ... wondering if he noticed it.
Just like this market.

8,057 posts
msg #145272
Ignore karennma
11/15/2018 7:22:08 AM

It's not even Thanksgiving yet.
Wait 'til the tax selling starts.

1,374 posts
msg #145275
Ignore Cheese
11/15/2018 10:45:11 AM

@ karennma

I feel with you because I have positions that are trapped, too.

The best advice that I got from a better trader/investor is to DO A CASH TEST.
Ask ourselves: If we were 100% in cash, do we believe that there is value at these levels?
If the answer is yes, and our holdings are blue chips bought with cash and not on margin,
then there is little risk of bankruptcy.

America is pretty much the only game in town. Americans are in a better place than many others.

StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Is this a crash or a correction?<< 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 ... 22 >>Post Follow-up

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