StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · FREE GIFTS<< 1 2 3 4 5 ... 15 >>Post Follow-up
55 posts
msg #38356
Ignore da-net
10/6/2005 5:56:34 PM

It’s a rare gift to have the opportunity to learn valuable trading lessons without the hard knocks of the markets. We'd like to present such a gift to you.

As a Club EWI member, please be our guest to watch Futures Junctures Editor Jeffrey Kennedy’s latest Trader’s Classroom video - for free.

Fives Keys to Spotting Trade Setups discusses
the ways in which you can accurately recognize
corrective or countertrend price action in order
to identify high probability trade setups.

Jeffrey started producing Trader’s Classroom with the goal of simplifying the often-difficult lessons learned in real-world trading:

"I began my career as an independent trader, so I know firsthand how hard it can be to get simple explanations of methods that consistently work. In more than 12 years since then, I've learned many lessons, and I don't think you should have to learn them all the hard way."

Simply follow the link below to enjoy this timeless and educational lesson in Elliott wave trading at no charge:

55 posts
msg #38394
Ignore da-net
10/10/2005 6:59:06 PM

Greetings Fellow Wavers,

Elliott Wave International is throwing open the doors to its 6 global forecasting services. For one full week, you get access to forecasts of Every Major World Market FREE for a Week!

Enjoy forecasts, short-term and long-term, for free during FreeWeek, from Wednesday, October 12, at 5:00 PM Eastern to Wednesday, October 19, at 5:00 PM Eastern.

FreeWeek gives you complete access to forecasts of …
U.S. Stocks
European Stocks
Global Interest Rates
Asian Stocks
Australian Stocks
Gold and Silver
Crude Oil
Social Trends
and more!

FreeWeek really is free. There’s no obligation, and no credit card information is required.

Since you already have a Club EWI User ID and Password, you’re all set! Just visit the Subscribers page between October 12 and October 19, and login using your Club EWI User ID and Password.

If you forgot your User ID and Password, we’ll email it to you.

Remember to spread the word to friends, family and colleagues! Just forward this email to them so they can sign up at


Robert Folsom
Club EWI Manager
Elliott Wave International

6,466 posts
msg #38396
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/10/2005 7:51:46 PM

To participate in the live show, go to the tradingmarkets home page ( and then
click on "Swing Trading" ( Scroll down to the bottom
of the page and look formy show in the schedule:

The shows are held on Wednesday's at 11:00 A.M. eastern. Check the schedule for "Landry Live Swing Trade Lesson"

If this does not work, try this direct link:

Note: The technology is not perfect. Some of the following may hang up. Wait a few minutes and they should resume.
I have personally tested all of the following. If they do not work, try another computer. 06/16/2004 06/30/04--Trading IPOs 07/21/2004 9:00 AM 07/28/2004 9:01 AM 08/04/2004 9:18 AM (Sector Analysis) 08/11/2004 9:01 AM (transitional patterns) 08/18/2004 9:00 AM (Discretion) 09/01/2004 8:59 AM (scanning, hangs up, wait 1 minute) 09/08/2004 9:00 AM (trend transition) 09/29/2004 8:59 AM 10/06/2004 9:02 AM 10/13/2004 8:59 AM (10/20 Indicator) 10/20/2004 9:01 AM 10/27/2004 9:05 AM 11/03/2004 9:00 AM 11/10/2004 9:03 AM 11/17/2004 8:59 AM 11/24/2004 9:05 AM 12/01/2004 9:00 AM 12/08/2004 9:05 AM 12/22/2004 9:03 AM 01/05/2005 9:01 AM 01/12/2005 9:04 AM 01/26/05 02/03/05 02/09/05 (longer-term positions mgmt.) 01/17/05 (Great examples) 02/23/05 Good examples, Market timing, Psychology 03/02/05 GREAT Examples, micro managing, mental stops, 03/10/05 Money Mgmt, psychology, some market timing 03/16/05 Good examples--entries, position mgmt. 03/23/05 Sticking with trades, great examples. 03/30/05 More good examples 04/06/05 Good examples, Psychology, Transitions 04/13/05 How to beat the simple money mgmt system., Great examples. Psychology 04/20/05 Position managment, Psychology, Great examples. 04/27/05 Same as the above, Avoiding a potential losing trade.
D Hangs up a few times but will eventually start again.
Ends at around 58 minutes. 05/04/05 Damage control, Living With Decisions, 05/17/05 Finding a methodology and sticking to it,how to stay with a winning swing trade to capture a longer-term moves. 05/25/05 How to enter. 06/01/05 Daytrading entry technique, fighting the urge to be right, how the market is a "bad teacher" 06/08/05 Hangs up--wait a few minutes or fast forward.
fight our natural urge to be right,why you shouldn’t micro managing your trades, a case for entering early,longer-term trend following,
trading through new events, and a “classic” Dave Landry pattern.

In his weekly presentation, Dave covers current market conditions including why you should be cautious based on action in the indices and certain sectors. In the psychology section, Dave discusses why you shouldn’t take market actions personally. He also covers why you should trade YOUR methodology. In the examples segment, Dave walks you through several recent examples of how to stay with a winning trade. Finally, in the Q&A segment, Dave discusses second/late entries, and answers questions about individual stocks. New to trading, Micro mgmt. vs. discretion, knowing your methodology. 06/29/05 07/06/05 Micro-managing, More on gaps/entries. 07/13/05 --good stuff 07/20/05 --new to trading, reasons I'm bullish,psychology 07/27/05 --current conditions... 08/03/05 -- Squeezing out additional profits,Longer-term trend following,Not micro managing,
Holding through earnings,Managing a windfall,Damage control 08/10/05 -- The downside of trend following, letting the market weed your portfolio 08/17/05 -- Trading through earnings, choppy markets, trading after hours, anticipating transitions 08/24/05 --Transitions-Gatekeeper 09/07/05 --Sectors trending after Katrina. Sticking with a winner. 09/14/05 --Sectors RS sorts, Sticking With A Winner, Damage Control 09/21/05 --Longer-term trend following/Sticking with a winner 09/28/05 --Early exits/discretion, sticking with a winner, avoiding thin stocks

Weekly TeleChart Platnium presentations:

(change the date in the above to see the prior/current presentation.
They are recorded on (most) Thursday's at 11:00 EST...If you want to view them in real time, email for more

For example, the one for March 3rd:

187 posts
msg #38413
Ignore markcrisp
10/12/2005 5:49:21 AM

The only interview with Nicolas Darvas I could ever find:

6,466 posts
msg #38417
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/12/2005 10:24:32 AM


2,025 posts
msg #38420
Ignore alf44
10/12/2005 11:56:13 AM

kewl !

thanks mark !


6,466 posts
msg #38443
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/14/2005 7:35:07 AM

95% of today's traders consistently lose more money than they make.

Here's why:

The 5 Most Dangerous Trends
Every Stock and Futures Trader
Needs to Know NOW!

And what you can do right now to make sure you are positively
positioned for maximum profit in a chaotic world and market place.

Dangerous Trend # 1. Unprecedented and accelerated increase in chaotic world

events. And what makes the impact of these events significantly greater is

the power of the media to magnify and sometimes even distort these events.

The result is an increased atmosphere of fear, confusion and uncertainty. And

fearful investors do not usually make the best choices because they are

knee-jerk, emotional reactions instead of reasoned and intelligent decisions.

This can and does wreak havoc on the markets.

Consider the impact of just a few types of chaotic world events:

Political upheavals
Corporate Scandals: Enron, WorldCom, Martha Stewart, etc.
Terrorism: 911, etc.
Natural Disasters: tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, freezes, droughts,

Lesson from Dangerous Trend #1: Make sure your method of trading has built-in

safe guards to prevent major financial loss in case of such chaotic events

that will surely continue to plague the industry.

Dangerous Trend #2. Mergers, acquisitions, and consolidation of major

financial services. Banks, brokerage companies, investment firms and

insurance companies have been merging at a never-before-seen rate. This means

a greater transfer of financial control to a few large companies. For the

trading consumer, this tends to translate into receiving less personalized

service and misled recommendations based on what's best for the company

instead of what's best for you.

As investors and traders become a nameless number in a sea of digits, these

companies continue to spend the majority of the profits generated by your

money not on increased service, but on multi-million dollar marketing

campaigns designed to acquire as many new customers as possible even at the

expense of being unable to provide personalized support to their existing

customer base.

Lesson from Dangerous Trend #2: Bottom line is that bigger usually does not

mean better for the trading customer. Make sure that the companies you choose

to handle your money are also able to provide you with the level of support

you deserve as a client. If not, it will usually cost you in the long run.

Only work with those companies who will listen to your needs and respond

appropriately. Remember it's a partnership and a two-way street.

Dangerous Trend #3. Investors handing over their money to "Experts." While

there are a few money mangers out there that actually do make money for their

clients, most do not. And yet there exists an increased trend in handing over

hard earned money to someone else to do something with it. This appeals to

that inherent human weakness of settling for short-term convenience instead

of going for what is best in the long run. It might be initially convenient

to give money to an expert, but not so convenient as the money slowly or

quickly, as is often the case, disappears.

Lesson from Dangerous Trend #3: The buck stops with you. When it comes to

successful trading, there is no substitute for personal responsibility,

self-education and making one's own investment and trading decisions. Those

that make the most in trading aren't the ones handing their money over to a

money manager.

Dangerous Trend #4. Lack of personal trading preparation and commitment.

Trading is a business and respected as such can bring great profit. But,

unfortunately, many treat it like a slot machine or a lotto ticket.

They make one or more of the following 8 common deadly trading mistakes:
They don't take the time to educate themselves adequately before investing.
They haven't developed or consistently use a trading system that gives them

an edge.
They haven't developed a sound money and risk management strategy.
They stay in losing trades too long.
They don't set stop loss points with every trade.
They have a get rich quick attitude.
They trade in a range-bound channel.
They try to buy bottoms and short tops, instead of trading breakouts.

Lesson from Dangerous Trend #4: View trading as you would a serious business.

Prepare yourself before you commit your hard earned money. Take the long-term

view. Educate yourself. Invest in information and tools that will give you an

edge in the marketplace. Paper trade first. Create a trading strategy, make

plans to implement it, and exercise the discipline to follow it even when (or

especially when) your emotions dictate otherwise.

Dangerous Trend #5. Continued reliance on out-dated trading systems and

models based on traditional, linear mathematics. 99% of today's trading

systems are based on inadequate mathematical analysis that assumes the past

will be like the future. It's no wonder that only about 5% of traders are

profiting on a consistent basis.

For most of our lives, we have been taught to think in linear, Newtonian

terms. We have been led to believe that for every effect, there is a cause;

for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction. If we want to

prove or disprove a hypothesis, we employ the scientific method, and then

analyze our data through the use of statistics. And when we apply linear

tools or Newtonian thinking to stable, non-turbulent data, the results are

actually very useful.

However, if we assume that linear math is also adequate for analyzing the

behavior of such complex systems as the weather, the flow of traffic in city

streets, human brain wave activity or the financial markets, we are making a

BIG mistake. This is because these systems are nonlinear in nature, and

analyzing them requires a nonlinear approach.

For example, what happens in the market is overwhelmingly influenced by the

individual decisions of all active investors. Since investors base their

decisions on their own personal motives, needs, desires, hopes, fears, and

beliefs, the markets, as a reflection of their interaction with the mass of

investors, are inherently complex, nonlinear systems. Yet most market experts

ignore this fact when developing trading systems that appear to work. They

analyze decades of charts and employ highly sophisticated linear statistics

to "fit" these historical data to a particular model.

Using such processes has led to pattern recognition programs (head and

shoulders, 1-2-3 formations, triangles, pennants, and so on), as well as to

many of the other market indicators such as Bollinger bands (based on

standard deviations), reserve strength indicators, and others. These tools

will accurately point to where you should have entered and exited the market

for maximum profit in the past.

However, while all systems and indicators that are based on linear techniques

are accurate predictors of past performance, they do not work well in present


Nevertheless, the experts continue to apply linear tools to analyze these

nonlinear phenomena, and they continue to obtain indifferent results.

Thus, the implication for the millions of speculative investors who use

techniques, tools and systems based on linear models is that they are doomed

to losing often and winning only occasionally. This is because such models

are grounded in the mistaken assumption that the future will be like the

past. But the fact is that every broker, every publication, every trading

system including this one, and every Internet site that deals with trading

publishes this warning: Past performance is not necessarily indicative of

future results. The risk of loss exists in trading the stock and futures


Lesson from Dangerous Trend #5: An altogether different kind of trading

system based in non-linear math is necessary to understand and profit from

the complexities of the markets. Since Chaos Theory is totally nonlinear in

its approach to analysis, it lends itself particularly well to systems whose

behavior appears to be random, unpredictable, and "chaotic." Employing

rigorous mathematical methodology, Chaos Theory is especially useful for

revealing the highly ordered underlying structure of turbulent systems like

the financial markets.

Take a rapidly running river, for example. The underlying structure of the

riverbed, with its rocks, boulders, trenches, shallows, and sandbars is what

produces the rapids, the white water, and the eddies we see on the surface.

If we could see the bottom, we could accurately predict the surface

conditions at any given spot along the river.

The markets are a lot like a river: they, too, have their rapids, their white

water, and their eddies. And like rivers, they also have an underlying

structure. As we properly apply the latest findings in Chaos Theory to see

that structure, we can more accurately make sense of the market charts on our

computer screens and make more profitable trading decisions.

6,466 posts
msg #38445
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/14/2005 7:39:38 AM

Lesson 10 - "How to trade divergence"
by Mark McRae

Well, the response I got from the last lesson in video
format was just incredible . I got more complimentary
emails than I have ever done before, so my thanks to
everyone who took the time to drop me a note. That's
how we make things better - by working together.

Anyway, onto the lesson. One of the most overlooked
methods of trading is divergence. Regardless of what
method I am using, I always keep an eye on any
divergence that may be forming. This lesson will teach
you a simply way to spot trades as divergence forms.

You can watch the video here:

6,466 posts
msg #38546
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/23/2005 5:16:48 AM

Check this out!

81 posts
msg #38553
Ignore jclaffee
10/24/2005 11:44:09 AM

Hi, TheRumpledOne:

Do you use (or have you used) the RT Toolbox? If "yes", would you share your view of its quality and ease of use?

Thanks for any info you can share.


StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · FREE GIFTS<< 1 2 3 4 5 ... 15 >>Post Follow-up

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