StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · Detective Work XII<< >>Post Follow-up
6,411 posts
msg #46301
Ignore TheRumpledOne
8/10/2006 8:11:37 PM

URGENT TRADE TOMORROW: Every year for the past 3 years... between the months of August and December, this $4.50 energy technology stock has gained an average of 165%.

Tomorrow we'll put out a trade on this stock. The stock is about to explode again in the coming months because the company is developing...

After the results of a year-long energy study were released on March 22, 2006, the US Senate requested a hearing with the CEO of the tiny $4.50 company whose technology could help increase America's fuel reserves by...

But here's why you need to buy this stock right now. In each of the last 3 years, this stock began a massive rally in the 3rd and 4th quarters.

Take a look at the charts below...

Dear trader:

If history tells us anything, it tells us to buy stocks during times of great fear and upheaval.

This week we got hit with a double whammy. First came news that British Petroleum was shutting down America's largest oil field, Prudhoe Bay. In an instant, 400,000 barrels of oil per day were cut off from our economy.

BP is saying it could take months for production to resume. Others, like me, think Prudhoe Bay may never come back online.

To replace the 10,000,000 barrels of oil imported daily, the US would consume .912 billion tons of coal every year.

At that rate, we can be completely energy independent for another 811 years.
Second, terrorism is back. Today we woke up to the news that terrorists - probably Al Qaeda - were planning to explode up to 10 airplanes heading to America from London.

As a nervous market absorbs these shocks, I'm telling my traders to buy with both hands.

And we'll be buying tomorrow.

The stock I'm recommending for immediate purchase is a tiny $4.50 energy technology stock that could help break our dependence on foreign oil once and for all.

The technology they control is known as coal liquefication. In a nutshell, they have the technology to take our vast coal reserves and convert it into liquid fuel.

Now, I've own this tiny $4.50 coal-to-liquid fuel stock on 2 separate occasions in my buy and hold investment service, The Pure Energy Report. We sold one of the positions when it doubled in a matter of just a few months.

The second position is open, and we're up 64%.

However, tomorrow we'll be initiating a "trading position" in this stock. We plan to hold it probably through to the second or third week in December.

How can I be so exact on the time-frame?

Well, take a look at the charts of this stock for the past 3 years...

2003: Stock rallies 184% between early July and December 12:

2004: Stock rallies 160% between early November and December:

2005: Stock gains 151% between July and December:

It's like clockwork. In each of the last 3 years, had you purchased this stock in August and sold in December, you would've walked away with a fortune.

And it's about to happen again.

Just 05% of Montana's coal is enough to produce more than 24 Billion barrels of fuel!
You see, the CEO of the company spoke in front of Congress a few months ago. What he said perked up my trading ears.

Here's what he said...
"The 7th pilot, our Process Demonstration Unit (PDU), is scheduled to be operating by the first half of 2007."
Right there in that sentence, we know when expected news will be announced. So we also know that from here until probably late 2006, early 2007, investors are going to be buying the stock, driving up the price.

I plan to have my traders take full advantage of it.

Here's what else he said:
The Company's fuel doesn't require any engine modifications. It can be used as is as the operating fuel for trucks, buses and barges. It can also be blended with petroleum diesel or alternative fuels such as biodiesel. It can even be processed into jet fuel.

It will produce And it will allow us to optimize our technology for variations in coal and other site-specific factors. We now have developed our technology extensively around Coal-to-Liquids - or CTL - gasification, and for. the future of CTL in the United States is no longer a theoretical, what-if, conversation.

We plan to have a fully commercial, fully operational CTL plant up and running by 2010. Our focus as a company is now on making clean transportation fuels in the US, from US resources for US consumption.

With oil prices at historic highs, our fuel is also economically competitive. Including the financing and development costs, we can produce finished fuels for $36 to $42 per barrel, the equivalent of buying raw crude at $30 to $35 per barrel. (emphasis added is mine)
With news like this, investment attention is sure to follow. And with that, we believe the stock goes a lot higher from here.

Now listen, I've instructed my people to give you full access to all of our trades, including our trade in this CTL stock that'll be out tomorrow.

West Virginia has so much coal that if it converted its reserves into liquid fuel, it would rival all of Kuwait's oil fields.
If you want it, it's yours. I want you to read it asap. But to do so, you have to become a member of the Pure Energy Stock Trader. The trading philosophy of the Pure Energy Stock Trader is easy to understand.

There are no option plays to straddle or futures contracts expirations to worry about. The Pure Energy Stock Trader is simple: Buy energy stocks before an explosive move up. Sell them when we're sitting pretty with massive profits.

However we do have a sophisticated membership procedure. We make every prospective member "digitally" sign our online confidentiality agreement before they become a member in good standing... and before we give them access to our trade reports.

Why, do you ask, that we make members digitally sign an online confidentiality agreement?

Well, plain and simple, because of who we are. I can't tell you how many times I've seen my reports on stock message boards. I hate that. And not just because it's a violation of our copyright. I see it as a violation of the trust of members.

So that's that.

If you're ready to join us for a massive profit journey, please follow this link. It'll ensure that you're on the list to get our trade report tomorrow.

Or if you need to know more about ins-and-outs of the Pure Energy Stock Trader, read the report here showing you how you can get your hands on the report (don't worry, it's simple).

Warm regards,

Mike Schaefer


6,411 posts
msg #46302
Ignore TheRumpledOne
8/10/2006 8:23:18 PM


/* enter your Upper Limit criteria */
set{UpperLim, High 8 week High}

/* enter your Lower Limit criteria */
set{LowerLim, Low 8 week Low}

LowerLim above 2.00
UpperLim below 4.60

add column sector
add column industry
average volume(10) above 100000

and date offset is 01/01/2006

sort column 5 ascending


6,411 posts
msg #46304
Ignore TheRumpledOne
8/10/2006 8:27:01 PM


The 7th pilot, our Process Demonstration Unit (PDU), is scheduled to be operating by the first half of 2007


They might as well just tell me the company!


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