StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · DeBono Fans Welcome!<< 1 2 >>Post Follow-up
548 posts
msg #29020
Ignore txtrapper
10/3/2003 8:36:58 PM

'Jokes for Gore'
It is important to make jokes about leaders. A joke is a form of direct personal relationship. The mistake of President Bush was to appoint Dan Qayle as vice-president, because all the jokes about President Bush ceased immediately as Dan Qayle drew all the jokes. The result was that when President Bush was on an extremely high rating after the Gulf War - he still lost the election.

I have met President Bush on two occasions and if his son George W. Bush is anything like his father then I think he would make a splendid president. At the same time I think Al Gore is underrated.

In order to help the election chances of Al Gore I am proposing to start - on this site - a 'jokes for Gore' project. The rules are as follows:

The jokes must be about Al Gore.
My judgement of the jokes is final - there is no appeal. I would favour jokes that are funny but not nasty or negative. The humour element is very important.
I shall pay $50 for every joke that I deem suitable. You may take this in cash or in the equivalent of goods from this site. Depending on the country in which you live there may be some delay in getting payment to you.
Copyright in the jokes will remain with the author or submitter. Any joke submitted must be capable of being published on this site. That is the responsibility of the submitter.
The best jokes will be published on the site. Some jokes will be published each week. The full selection may be published some time in the future. Each joke published will receive $50.
The cut-off point is 200 jokes that I consider suitable. The cut-off point may be brought forward and the project may be terminated at any time if I so wish. The cut-off point may also be extended if I so wish.
Jokes should be sent by e-mail to subject = 'Al Gore'.

Edward de Bono
19th July 1999

548 posts
msg #29023
Ignore txtrapper
10/3/2003 9:10:34 PM

Edward deBono website!

deBon personal site!


548 posts
msg #29024
Ignore txtrapper
10/3/2003 9:19:12 PM

deBono Articles......Enjoy!

548 posts
msg #29025
Ignore txtrapper
10/3/2003 10:01:06 PM

MESSAGES BY DE BONO......"all in one place"....READ AND ENJOY!

6,412 posts
msg #29169
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/8/2003 3:50:12 AM

Edward de Bono's Message for Today - 8th October 2003

If you set out to write a perfect book you would never get it done. It would take so long that by the time you had neared completion your ideas would have changed and you might have to start all over again.

Indicating there is no need to be perfect does not mean an acceptance of errors. There should be zero tolerance of errors. It means that when something is error-free it can still be polished and polished and polished. This adds some extra value but introduces a lot of extra complexity.

© Edward de Bono, 1998. " Simplicity "
Published by Penguin-Viking Books.

6,412 posts
msg #29245
Ignore TheRumpledOne
10/10/2003 8:31:49 AM

Edward de Bono's Message for Today - 10th October 2003

Extracting concepts is one of the key operations in "interest". We can take a concept from a situation and then play around with that concept. We can discuss the concept itself or go on to other examples of the same concept.

Interest largely consists in moving on from one idea to another. Amongst the different mechanisms of flow and movement, concept extraction is one of the strongest. It is not easy. Many people find dealing with concepts awkward. There is no right answer or one right concept. There are broad concepts and there are specific concepts.

© Edward de Bono, 1997. " How to be more Interesting "
Published by Penguin-Viking Books.

6,412 posts
msg #29690
Ignore TheRumpledOne
11/6/2003 10:37:35 AM

Edward de Bono's Message for Today - 7th November 2003

Most people are happy with things as they are. Even today, when we are used to change and invention, very few people set out to find problems or produce ideas. In the past, when the world was stable for long periods, such people would have been even rarer. I believe that those inventions which did not depend on a scientific or technical advance elsewhere took a long time because no-one could see that there was a problem needing a solution. In some cases inventions were actually made but never taken up because no-one other than the inventor could see the problem. It is unfortunate that war has been one of the few situations that focus people's minds on problems and advantages.

© Edward de Bono, 1974. "Eureka"
Published by Thames and Hudson.

6,412 posts
msg #29858
Ignore TheRumpledOne
11/14/2003 8:28:22 AM

Edward de Bono's Message for Today - 14th November 2003

If you take one step at a time and keep going, you can tackle most things. Know what step you want to take and take it.

© Edward de Bono, 1992. "Teach Your Child How to Think"
Published by Penguin Books

6,412 posts
msg #29980
Ignore TheRumpledOne
11/21/2003 7:57:55 AM

Edward de Bono's Message for Today - 21st November 2003

The other party in an argument usually has something useful and constructive to say, if you make the effort to pick this out. Instead of just looking for points of attack, try to see what is of value in an opposing position.

© Edward de Bono, 1992. "Teach Your Child How to Think"
Published by Penguin Books

6,412 posts
msg #30381
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/24/2003 9:01:38 AM

Edward de Bono's Message for Today - 24th December 2003

In theory a scientist's only aim is to prove himself wrong. He sets up an idea only in order to be able to carry out experiments which will show the idea to be wrong. This means he can move on to a better idea. And so the process is repeated.

© Edward de Bono, 1971. "Practical Thinking"
Published by Penguin Books

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