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TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #56570 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
11/8/2007 6:12:35 PM Took me less than one minute to find CFPC on google...LOL! **Sneaking Into China** (image) Find out why their strategic move could hand you $31,400 by July Dear Reader: Before I begin, I have a confession . . . When I first spotted this opportunity, I almost instinctively trashed it. After all, like many of you, I need to be inspired by an outfit before recommending it. Something major needs to catch my eye - be it massive returns, a breakthrough technology, or a hidden advantage the market doesn't know about yet. In other words, if I won't invest in something, I'd never ask you to. And although coffee's the highest traded commodity in the world, next to petroleum, as an investment it doesn't come off as - EXCITING - does it? Sure, other coffee stocks like Green Mountain Coffee have been in a massive bull market... surging 150% in the past year. But still, we're talking about coffee! In other words, it looked boring. Luckily, that changed the very next day . . . You see, before leaving work, I accidentally set my computer to stand-by instead of turning it off. When I powered up the next morning, while chewing my everything-bagel, I found the company's website still on my screen. This time, with a very important press release . . . Overnight, they inked the deal of a lifetime. In short, this tiny company had just finalized the same sort of deal that launched Starbucks from a single-shop Seattle coffee house into the 6,000-location conglomerate we know today. The sort of deal that handed investors $396,119 on every $10,000 they started with. (chart) But as you'll see in one minute, while Starbucks took 15 years to make those gains, the deal this little outfit has landed could do it in half that. It already has savvy investors scooping up as much as they can. For example . . . * James Fraser's already claimed an astonishing 100,000 shares * Rhonda Phenner recently informed me she's starting off with 20,000 shares So what makes this company so special? Unlike the coffee giants, this outfit's not starting in a moderately-sized and already coffee-saturated market. In fact, it's quite the opposite. They've gained exclusive access to the largest market on the planet . . . one that only recently legalized coffee. And already, it's becoming the nation's fastest growing trend. Let me explain. You see, my morning started with this headline on my screen . . . (image) It was exactly the hidden advantage we needed. And the further I read into it, the more I realized the payout would be much larger than I ever imagined . . . This company has actually gained exclusive rights to open its 100%-owned coffee shops - selling their gourmet beans - throughout a newly coffee-crazed China. We're talking about a market of 1.3 billion people who are experiencing their first taste of high-quality coffee. And they're loving every drop of it. In fact, according to a reporter from China Daily, the market of coffee-lovers is increasing by the double digits. That's absolutely massive, considering the best coffee most of them currently have access to is the Chinese-grown, harsh-tasting instant variety. I dug a little deeper and found that the actual growth number between 2003 and 2008 is expected to be 70%! (chart) The potential to reap windfall profits with coffee in China is absolutely outrageous. It's so big, in fact, that Starbucks has decided to make it their most important country next to the U.S. And they want in so bad that they're willing to pay an import tariff upwards of 60%! But get this. The company I'm about to show you doesn't have to pay a single penny of import tariffs. And that means faster, bigger profits for you! Not only that, but because it only recently went public, it's still highly undervalued. The company's market cap is still only $18 million - when it should be $167 million. Doubling, tripling - even quadrupling - your money has never been easier. It's all thanks to the fact that. . . China finally legalized coffee: Starts what could be the biggest trend in a nation. Just 31 years ago, it was unheard of. Outlawed. Completely forbidden. The mere mention of the Western tradition could land you behind the walls of a filthy Chinese prison. Still, the threat of iron bars and concrete wouldn't stop Chinese people like Du Yansheng. He's just one of many that opted to find secret places to enjoy their coffee in safety, and he hasn't gone a single day without a morning cup in over 50 years. In fact, coffee was so popular that during China's Cultural Revolution, the coffee house became the Chinese version of a "speakeasy." Today, though, it's an entirely different game. No passwords or secret handshakes are needed. Coffee's legal. And urban Chinese citizens are legally heading out to try their first cup of Joe. What was once thought of as strictly a tea-drinking society is now starting to lean towards coffee. And they're loving it . . . even though the best most of them can access is instant, or a three-in-one container (coffee, sugar, cream already mixed). According to Zou Lei, vice chairman of the China Coffee Association, "You will find a jar of instant coffee almost in every family nowadays. People even like to send coffee as gifts." And it's showing. Just in 2006 alone, coffee consumption in China was estimated at more than 10,146 metric tonnes. By 2010, it's projected to increase another 30%. And fortunately for us, their taste buds are finally discovering something entirely different from mere freeze-dried crystals . . . How China's skyrocketing population of urban yuppies, topped with returning expats, could start loading your pockets with cash. It was only a matter of time until they started catching on to the far superior Arabica bean found in all higher-quality coffees. China's coffee drinking cities continue to surge In 2004, there were an estimated 540 million citizens living in the cities of China. And it is anticipated that by 2020, there will be more than 900 million. That's an average of 61,643 people flocking to China's cities every single day. But China's rising, modernized middle class and booming economy has younger professionals completely skipping over slow-drip Folgers or Melitta. They want the good stuff. And thanks to some returning expats spreading the word, they're starting to get their wish. The demand for it is rapidly spreading to multiple demographics throughout the cities. And this company's target, the cities of China, currently exceeds 540 million people. That's almost double the entire population of the United States. To top it off, they're about to . . . Spoil China with their direct access to the most sought-after coffee in the world - and it's fair-trade. Ten years ago you'd never have heard about it. Today, it's responsible for 29% of the coffee consumed in the world, and growing 40% a year. After you've had your first cup, it's easy to see why fair-trade coffee's among the best-tasting you can get your hands on. I don't know how big a coffee drinker you are or if you know different quality brands. But you may have heard of the acclaimed Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. If you haven't, know this - Jamaica Blue Mountain is known as the best coffee in the entire world. It's the rarest, most flavorful coffee you can get your hands on. And the price tag, upwards of $36 a pound, proves it. In other words, it's the Rolls Royce of coffee. It's also known as fair-trade coffee, coffee that's harvested by farmers who are paid an honest wage for their work. This company's acquired direct access to 30% of the world's entire supply. But Jamaica Blue Mountain is just one of several brands and roasting techniques they'll be flooding China with. After all of my reading, it started becoming even clearer that while tea still towers over coffee consumption in China, in the cities, coffee - especially high quality, gourmet coffee - is gaining a strong foothold. It has companies like Starbucks champing at the bit - but this tiny company's in a far superior position. You see . . . This company's exclusive partnership allows it to open more shops, more easily, faster, and to afford to charge less than other outsiders like Starbucks - giving investors like you an outstanding advantage. As it stands now, Starbucks and any other "outsider" that wants to open a shop in China has to pay an import tariff. And those can get pretty steep. As I mentioned earlier, Starbucks faces one upwards of 60%. In other words, getting access to China's markets isn't exactly cheap or easy. And it has Starbucks and other coffee roasters highly discouraged. But that's where this company has a massive advantage and could scoop up a good chunk of the starving market. Since they're not liable to pay any tariff, there's a lot less paperwork, cost and time involved in opening stores. And the more stores they can open (and we all know how fast China puts up buildings) the more money Chinese citizens end up paying you. The best part is, even with Starbucks entering the market, the company's still highly undervalued. In fact, once the market learns about how many beans they produce, we could realistically turn every $10,000 into $31,400. But you'd better hurry. Once the first shop opens in November, the gains could start pouring in. And thanks to China's economic boom, the 2nd, 3rd and 3,000th shops won't be far behind. That's why I want to rush you my latest report, Coffee Coup: How to Profit from China's Secret Addiction - absolutely FREE of charge when you become a member of my cutting-edge investment service, Green Chip Stocks. Let me explain . . . Welcome to Green Chip Stocks Green Chip Stocks represent the most important stocks traded today, for one simple reason - these are the stocks that will be the catalysts for the first real profit trend of the 21st century. A profit trend that is already worth more than $30 billion in its infancy! Grabbing your share now is like getting a piece of the automobile market back in 1908. And I don't mean just Ford, either. I'm talking about the market as a whole. Oil, rubber tires, road construction, etc. Turning the Green Movement into Mountains of Greenbacks Let me introduce myself. My name is Jeff Siegel. I worked for Agora Publishing between 1994 to 2001, learning about the financial markets from some of the top investment minds in the world. For the past six years, I've been traveling the world investigating the current state and the future of alternative energy, organic food and fair trade markets. My travels have taken me to Rome, London, New York . . . and everywhere in between. Now, I was taught at Agora that the time to invest in a stock or industry is when nobody is talking about it. You sell it when everybody is talking about it. And that's why I'm writing to you today. I have a report I want to give you for joining my investment service, Green Chip Stocks. The report is Coffee Coup: How to Profit from China's Secret Addiction. This report features my favorite green stock, the company that just landed an outstanding deal in China. Now trading for $0.50 a share, I think this stock is a potential blockbuster, and could return over 214% in less than a year. Simply fill out your membership form and I'll immediately send you a username and password that'll give you access to the report. Plus, when you join Green Chip Stocks, you'll receive my members-only weekly letter, which updates you on current positions and alerts you to new stocks I'm recommending. So, you get the report Coffee Coup, plus 52 issues of Green Chip Stocks. Not a bad deal . . . for just $79 a year. Especially when you consider our track record. The fact is, we were the first to launch this kind of service focusing strictly on "green" markets. And we were the first to bring our readers stocks like XsunX (XSNX.OB), which we sold for a 545.95% gain, and Regi U.S. (RGUS.OB), which we sold for a 218% gain, and Wild Oats (OATS:NASDAQ), which we sold for a 74.5% gain. For less than $0.22 a day, you just can't beat gains like that! And this next one - our $0.50 fair trade coffee stock - is already shaping up to be our next triple-bagger. So don't wait. Get it now while it's still trading below a buck. Sincerely, (image) Sig Jeff Siegel (image) Subscribe P.S. - Become a member today, and I'll also throw in my special report, Tapping the $1.42 Trillion Vein. This report highlights the burgeoning green building movement, and more importantly, the market sectors and companies that are poised to take a piece of the $1.42 trillion construction industry. Thanks to energy supply crunches and global water shortages, this once "niche" market is becoming the new status quo. And the companies operating in this sector are going to make us a fortune. Wall Street will be pumping them up tomorrow. But you can read about them right now! |
riro 25 posts msg #56735 - Ignore riro modified |
11/14/2007 1:00:24 AM Hi TRO I have been following this stock for about 2-3 years and have it on my radar, we'll see! I have traded it a couple times and found out just how non liquid it is. Good luck getting out of it if you want to, you'll have to wait. |
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