mystiq 650 posts msg #68253 - Ignore mystiq |
10/10/2008 4:33:52 AM
- Ignore FuriousThug 10/10/2008 1:04:21 AM
Looking for a rally next Weds.
Weds. before options expire always seems to be a nutty one...have to be a lot of open long positions out there, itching to recoup some of their loss (ahem....not me, of course...someone else I know).
-----> i agree with that week, (last day expiration) for some JUMP...
maxreturn 745 posts msg #68272 - Ignore maxreturn modified |
10/10/2008 11:15:44 AM
WHOA big fella. Wasn't necessarily pointing a finger at you. I was posting this chart primarily for the benefit of those who neglect the importance of regularly consulting the long term charts. If you're not doing this you are missing out on a lot of clarity and will eventually get your arse handed to you. Believe me I speak from experience. are those longs going? I can't believe all the people on this forum who are so anxious to get long. If you're going to try to pick a bottom at least wait for a double bottom or 123 low to form on at least 1-2 of the major indexes.
Quote from ALF:
10/8/2008 10:53:08 PM
max...I'm not calling a "bottom" !!!
I'm not so stupid as to ignore the "long term chart(s)" !!!
I have been very vocal here at SF on other threads about my "Bear Market" views !!!
Just saying...that...right here...right now...there is more risk in being SHORT...than there is in being LONG !!! imo I said...there will likely be a "hair on fire" the very near future !!!
I have positioned myself LONG ... based on that assumption !!!
So far...I'm a day or two early...but...nevertheless...I AM LONG HERE !!!
johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #68274 - Ignore johnpaulca |
10/10/2008 11:41:43 AM
For the records, I am long....TWM
alf44 2,025 posts msg #68287 - Ignore alf44 |
10/10/2008 4:35:14 PM
max...thank you for re-posting my it spells out quite clearly my current Market thoughts !
It also spells out quite clearly that I have put my money...where my BIG MOUTH is !
Additionally, it spells out quite explicitly (in the first line, in fact)...that I ain't "calling a bottom" !
Now...was I a bit early ?
Obviously !
Do I still think that ... "right here...right now...there is more risk in being SHORT...than there is in being LONG ?"
Definitely !
Oh...and you asked ... " are those longs going?"
Well, so far...I'm likin' em just fine ... and thank you for asking !!!
maxreturn 745 posts msg #68288 - Ignore maxreturn |
10/10/2008 4:57:57 PM
Good luck with that Alf. While you guys are going through the stress of picking bottoms I'll just patiently wait for my pullbacks within the context of a trend to pounce. Fits my personality. To each his own.
alf44 2,025 posts msg #68289 - Ignore alf44 |
10/10/2008 5:09:47 PM
...let me repeat myself...for yet a third or fourth time...
...I ain't callin' a BOTTOM !!!
luc1grunt 622 posts msg #68295 - Ignore luc1grunt modified |
10/10/2008 10:38:50 PM
So Alf, are you callin' a bottom....................
FuriousThug 256 posts msg #68296 - Ignore FuriousThug |
10/10/2008 10:41:53 PM
Just don't smell his fingers...
alf44 2,025 posts msg #68298 - Ignore alf44 modified |
10/10/2008 11:32:34 PM
..."A Bottom" ??? ... or..."THE Bottom" ???
Not to play word games...but...there IS a big difference !!!
"The Bottom" ...won't be apparent until we're miles down the road...lookin' back ... so...who the fluck knows...really ?
(okay, with the exception of "Mary" who's shouted THE Bottom with the regularity of "Chicken Little") ?!?
I certainly don't know if this is the "THE" Bottom...and have NEVER claimed it was ! fwiw
If it turns out to much the better for me !!!
All I have done is make a trading decision to step in here...AND GET LONG !!!
The decision is based on my belief (as I've stated several times) that...
..."right here...right now...there is more risk in being SHORT...than there is in being LONG !"
For those who feel the need to label this a "Bottom Call"...and somehow attach a Scarlet "B" to alf44... so they can feel superior...and somehow "stone" me with..."I told you so's"...should it NOT play out to my advantage...BRING IT !
Traders Trade !!! Yappers Yap !!! (you know who you are)
I have made a "trading call"...and I have put my money...where my BIG MOUTH is !!!
I didn't have to post the trades...or, my Market thoughts.
Am I right ?
Only time will tell !
Right NOW...I'm feeling pretty damn good about it !!!
alf44 2,025 posts msg #68299 - Ignore alf44 |
10/10/2008 11:39:55 PM
OH ! And another thing...
"HAIR ON FIRE" rally call...STILL IN PLAY, BABY !!!

"King Salami"