StockFetcher Forums · Stock Picks and Trading · Shills Swing N Daily<< 1 ... 375 376 377 378 379 ... 493 >>Post Follow-up
6,047 posts
msg #150035
Ignore shillllihs
12/28/2019 12:31:06 PM

Our next play is DSLV. 1 to 2 day play.

6,047 posts
msg #150036
Ignore shillllihs
12/28/2019 1:01:33 PM

This is a very powerful indicator if used not as originally intended.
Ask me. If you dare.

draw RSI(10)
draw CRSI(high,10) on plot RSI(10)

6,047 posts
msg #150039
Ignore shillllihs
12/28/2019 2:27:41 PM

Been top 10 for 5 months dropping from 1st where I held that for a month.
Man, I never thought running a Hedge Fund would be so emotionally draining.
I'm going to have to break it to my nearly 300 followers that I can't maintain a 200%+ return with a dd under 9% trading long stocks forever!! I think I might have to tell them that they should scale out of my system and eventually quit.

648 posts
msg #150043
Ignore sandjco
12/28/2019 4:43:43 PM

hey Shils..

"IF NOT" used as originally intended...

what is the original intention?


6,047 posts
msg #150044
Ignore shillllihs
12/28/2019 6:20:15 PM

When blue RSI(10) is under red CRSI(high,10) when under RSI 30 line, you get some nice spikes.
Best when blue line is slightly to the right on way up, you want higher priced good volume with that but I don't think you can code for that.
Maybe you or someone can. I have limited use with this.
I could be wrong sometimes I think something is good when it's not.

Oh just noticed you really didn't want an answer to the method.

648 posts
msg #150045
Ignore sandjco
12/28/2019 7:09:12 PM

Thanks for sharing shils! I got the first part...about blue line under red line.

The second part about "under RSI 30 line"...does that mean the CRSI(high,10) when under RSI (10) line at 30?

6,047 posts
msg #150046
Ignore shillllihs
12/28/2019 7:29:54 PM

Yes it does.

648 posts
msg #150047
Ignore sandjco
12/29/2019 12:28:24 PM

I'm not a coder as well Shils...just helping when I can to pay back the kindness of the crew here.

set{trigger, count(rsi(10) < crsi(high,10), 1) * count(crsi(high,10) < 30, 1)}
add column trigger > 0

I get the first few lines I think.
I don't understand the "blue line slightly to the right on the way up"

I guess the "higher" priced and "good" volume would be a subjective add on to the above...

"if used not originally as intended"...still don't compute in my head.

Happy new year!

6,047 posts
msg #150050
Ignore shillllihs
12/29/2019 4:54:10 PM

Great job as far as your work, so far as my filter I see a mixed bag. But I see a lot of spikes either short term or long term so there is potential. I’m on my way to Vegas so when I get a chance I’ll look at it closer., but good job.

6,047 posts
msg #150051
Ignore shillllihs
12/29/2019 8:35:42 PM

Just checked in. Looks pretty good.

below os line
set{trigger, count(rsi(10) < crsi(high,10), 1) * count(crsi(high,10) < 30, 1)}
add column trigger > 0
draw weekly bollinger band(20)
price is between 5 and 5000
not otcbb
volume above 1000000

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