StockFetcher Forums · Stock Picks and Trading · Intraday Alerts<< 1 ... 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 ... 1903 >>Post Follow-up
12,036 posts
msg #140454
Ignore johnpaulca
12/28/2017 9:54:34 AM

11,367 posts
msg #140426 12/27/2017 10:51:01 AM

11,364 posts
msg #140420 12/26/2017 10:20:37 PM

DUST...could either settle at $22.57 or $19.21 will have to wait and see.
oversold bounce today, should continue down tomorrow. Took some profits in gold(overbought), will re-enter on buy signal
RGLD got a 6% wacked...I sold that was close.

788 posts
msg #140461
Ignore gmg733
12/28/2017 12:04:47 PM

Sold my /SI yesterday and thinking of cutting my /GC loose today as well as half of my /NG. Needless to say it has been a good week for me. :)

788 posts
msg #140462
Ignore gmg733
12/28/2017 12:10:48 PM

If/when copper comes back it should be a long. this thing is insane.

I 'think' you'll get a opportunity to short bonds soon too.

170 posts
msg #140470
Ignore 15minofPham
12/29/2017 10:02:33 AM

Can't believe it's that time of the year already. I want to wish JohnPaul a happy 9th thread anniversary! This might be the longest continuous thread that's still contributed by the initial author! SF should give him a watch for the 10th!!!

1,251 posts
msg #140471
Ignore pthomas215
12/29/2017 10:13:42 AM

JP would probably prefer a case of Molson Canadian than a watch.

GCAP now partially filling the gap. Might have some 11.50 back up to 13.20.

12,036 posts
msg #140472
Ignore johnpaulca
12/29/2017 10:14:56 AM

Thanks're probably the only one that So many wonderful people I've seen come and go here over the last 10's to the next 10 yrs....cheers!!!

12,036 posts
msg #140474
Ignore johnpaulca
12/29/2017 10:18:32 AM

1,049 posts
msg #140471
- Ignore pthomas215 12/29/2017 10:13:42 AM

JP would probably prefer a case of Molson Canadian than a watch.
gotta watch my weight(170lbs) racing season right around the corner, but will indulge in some light pale ale (:

1,251 posts
msg #140476
Ignore pthomas215
12/29/2017 10:22:50 AM

170 lbs ! Geez brother, I need bifocals to see back that far. Like high school basketball weight. Happy New Year to you JP! I enjoy your BB alerts.

12,036 posts
msg #140477
Ignore johnpaulca
12/29/2017 10:33:09 AM

You're too funny PT...Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right !!!!

12,036 posts
msg #140482
Ignore johnpaulca
12/29/2017 2:54:01 PM

Dolla will be bouncing look for pressure on commodities.

DUST....should bounce

StockFetcher Forums · Stock Picks and Trading · Intraday Alerts<< 1 ... 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 ... 1903 >>Post Follow-up

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