nibor100 1,055 posts msg #134472 - Ignore nibor100 |
2/22/2017 2:03:48 PM
@ Mactheriverrat,
I've always liked the simplicity of the Guppy MMAs,
In another stock graph package I use, I make the lowest and highest EMA lines thicker than their companion lines and I do the same for the highest of the short term moving avgs and color it bright yellow and the same for the lowest of the long term moving avgs and color it white. I do that so it is very easy to see the crossovers at the compression points which often lead to the proper stacking in the directions of interest. Not sure how to that in Stockfetcher yet.
Thanks for the reading suggestion by Guppy. I've read some of his Stocks and Commodities articles on Darvas where he has some curious ideas.
Ed S.
graftonian 1,089 posts msg #134477 - Ignore graftonian |
2/22/2017 3:15:50 PM
JP, I believe the filter you posted is almost a darvas filter., add the line "pattern is darvas box" shows that the Darvas boxes were built on "highs" not "closes"
nibor100 1,055 posts msg #134480 - Ignore nibor100 |
2/22/2017 5:25:17 PM
More Darvas trivia from his book "How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market"
a. As Graftonian posted, Darvas used Highs and Lows for his boxes not closing prices
b. Darvas only bought high priced stocks as it saved him commission costs if he got stopped out quickly.
c. In fact, in his 18 month run to $2M the cheapest stock he purchased was $19,50, several were over $90 a share,, I doubt he would have ever bought a 25 cent stock.
d. He used only price and volume, no RSI(2) or any other technical indicator.
e. Since his dance act was usually out of the country Darvas found his stocks by looking at weekly data published in Barron's, usually 4 days after publication, then if he was interested in a stock he cabled his broker to send him summaries of the last 4 days daily quotes
f. I can find no mention of Darvas ever being interested in 52 week lows and/or stock performance over a 26 week period.
g. Most of the time he was looking at weekly volume data in Barron's to make his volume based decisions. He had no fixed 100,000 shares daily volume criteria.
h. In fact, he was looking for unusual weekly volume spikes, a couple of examples "swelled to unusually high 23,400 shares"...."weekly volume climbed to 19,500 from usual 5,000, then 41,500, 54,200, 76,500".
Ed S.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #134494 - Ignore karennma |
2/23/2017 9:53:14 AM
6,456 posts
msg #134454
- Edit message 2/22/2017 7:32:55 AM
NVDA just paid a dividend this morning, so I expect it to go down.
Hard crash. From $111 to $103 since yesterday.
Feb 24 104.00 puts UP 4000%
karennma 8,057 posts msg #134496 - Ignore karennma |
2/23/2017 10:08:43 AM
So, theoretically, NVDA drops another $10, I should well on a 98.00 PUT
NVDA P 98.00 @ $10.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #134500 - Ignore karennma |
2/23/2017 12:48:08 PM
Oh geesh!
$42 to $16 ... you've got to KNOW when to sell.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #134515 - Ignore karennma |
2/23/2017 5:59:25 PM
Dang! NVDA afterhours!
That put is gonna make me a small fortune.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #134516 - Ignore karennma |
2/23/2017 6:02:27 PM
NVDA - is in Santa Clara County.
U can kiss those chips good-bye.
Mactheriverrat 3,159 posts msg #134528 - Ignore Mactheriverrat |
2/23/2017 11:59:51 PM
@ Ed S.
Roger your Guppy MMA version. I'm more into Guppy's MMA's that anything. To me if one can make some $ by using any means and it works then good I say. Just wash , rinse and repeat.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #134535 - Ignore karennma |
2/24/2017 9:36:24 AM
6,462 posts
msg #134496
- Edit message 2/23/2017 10:08:43 AM
So, theoretically, NVDA drops another $10, I should well on a 98.00 PUT
NVDA P 98.00 @ $10.
Sold @ $76.
Multiply that by 10 contracts.
Good money!