as214 184 posts msg #48182 - Ignore as214 |
11/27/2006 12:10:03 PM
Hey Riggs,
Knock yourself out Riggs! Bear in mind I don't use this filter, I just wanted to provide the best financial filter I could based on the limit resources that stockfetcher has in that regards! As nice as this filter is, it doesn't have snot on the triple digit filters that I utilize using PE's, Price to sales multiples and most important EARNINGS YIELD(the single most important finacial piece of information one could have on a company). PEs of 8-12 based on my extensive backtesting act as as sweet spot..just like on a baseball bat. They garner the nicest gains based on PES alone in the 8-12 range. I think using filters based on technicals alone is he wrong way to use them. I believe filters should only be used for fundamentals, THEN AND ONLY THEN have technicals applied to those select few to see which ones are the most attractive buys. Good luck man, I am honored that you want to make this filter better. Thank you for all you do hear, and for teaching me DMA 28,-14. It has helped me pinpoint entries on my value selections.
glgene 616 posts msg #48184 - Ignore glgene |
11/27/2006 2:36:55 PM
You said, "Thank you for all you do hear, and for teaching me DMA 28,-14. It has helped me pinpoint entries on my value selections."
Where can I find info on DMA 28,-14?
bloosteak 35 posts msg #49422 - Ignore bloosteak |
1/20/2007 6:30:55 PM
why do you use p/e and earnings yield?
earnings yield is the inverse of p/e... which is e/p
TheRumpledOne 6,413 posts msg #49454 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
1/22/2007 10:34:22 AM
as214, see anything you like?
mystiq 650 posts msg #89981 - Ignore mystiq |
3/20/2010 5:53:32 AM
modified 5/21/2006 4:51:12 PM
as214 -
Dude...I love the Idea! Did you happen to notice that "ALL" of the best performing stocks on your filter, had their best run-up coming off of the "Triple MACD Bottom?" It's amazing bro! Almost every single one! GS, TM, CMI, FMX, PBR, PD, SNP, CSR and CX! HANS & TIE also fell into that criteria. Take a look for yourself.....
Great job man!
>>>>just perfect to tweak for my LEAP plays....
TheRumpledOne 6,413 posts msg #90002 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
3/20/2010 11:19:39 AM
- Ignore as214 5/21/2006 3:42:26 PM
until they get more financial data if ever. Then Id get you in TIE at 11 and HANS at 14 like Vector Vest did. OK anyway here it is...
PE is between 8 and 12
offset 360 days(min. holding period)
1. Hold for one year hardly any commissions to pay and tax wise Uncle Sam will only get 15 percent of your earnings. There are a few red on here but common sense would dictate you would never have picked those for they were in the housing industry which everyone knows was going downhill. The big gainers 80 and over percent were in steel and oil.. How could you have gotten into these. Simple after you get the above results go to MSN or Yahoo and see which sectors have the lowest PE ratios with highest earnings yield cumulkatively as a whole sector.. Steel had an industry average 7 PE ratio. No brainer. While I respect short term trading there is a reason why the wealthiest men in the world are investors.. The greatest trader of all time Jesse Livermore lost it all and shot himself. As a trader youll never catch all of the massive upwards moves. Value investing is the greatest most consistent money maker over the long haul. Remember people crucified Buffett for not getting into tech in the late 90s and guess what he was right.. Now Buffett is only worth 6 billion less than Gates and if he lives 5 more years will easily surpass gates as the wealthiest man in the world.
Special Report
The World's Billionaires
Edited by Luisa Kroll, Matthew Miller and Tatiana Serafin, 03.11.09, 06:00 PM EDT
". Now Buffett is only worth 6 billion less than Gates and if he lives 5 more years will easily surpass gates as the wealthiest man in the world."
Bill Gates lost $18 billion but regained his title as the world's richest man. Warren Buffett, last year's No. 1, saw his fortune decline $25 billion as shares of Berkshire Hathaway (nyse: BRK.A - news - people ) fell nearly 50% in 12 months, but he still managed to slip just one spot to No. 2.