10/4/2006 12:13:22 PM
I'm new to this forum...Can you please tell me what you mean by "Warm Pop-80" diverging on the hard right edge?
I simply meant that when you see "divergence" appearing on the far right of your chart, it's time to get in. "Hard right edge" is just an industry wide figure of speech for, "looking at the current status of a particular chart."
In the future....let's be kind enough to the author of this thread, and move ALL "warm pop" questions to it's rightful area. "ACCUMULATION WARM POP-80, A WELL OILED MACHINE"
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #49859 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
2/6/2007 4:39:28 PM
I wrote TRO CONTROL for eSignal, TradeStation and QuoteTracker.
TRO CONTROL tells you who is in control of the stock.
So long as you trade with who is in control, you only lose if you are too slow or too greedy.
You can find the code on www.kreslik.com
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #60315 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
3/8/2008 1:40:35 PM
I noticed when RIMM's rsi(2) is below 25 it usually POPS back the next day.
The first filter gives the next trading session's picks.
The second filter shows you what happened yesterday - what you could have possibly made.
This is just another "edge" for the day trader and short swing trader.
Take your profits quick and don't be greedy!
luc1grunt 622 posts msg #60318 - Ignore luc1grunt |
3/9/2008 10:38:23 AM
Thanks for your efforts Avery.
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #60320 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
3/9/2008 11:39:26 AM
You're welcome.
klynn55 747 posts msg #60321 - Ignore klynn55 |
3/9/2008 9:09:03 PM
TRO : you wrote:
I noticed when RIMM's rsi(2) is below 25 it usually POPS back the next day.
i took a look at rimm and its RSI2 from 2/29/08 to around 10/3/ 07 , its POP the next day when rsi2 is below 25 is no sure thing , i didnt include a few losers, but
i got around 12 up days and 7 down days. Maybe , you could be more specific, sort of like niko, he who teaches and shows examples. Nothing is worthy unless it's done with an example or two. thank you
chip 67 posts msg #60344 - Ignore chip |
3/10/2008 1:22:23 PM
TRO is a GREAT teacher.
His style is very eastern and that works for me. Maybe you think he doesn't teach simply because this style doesn't wortk well for you? Western teaching doesn't work as well for me.
The things he has taught me put dollars in my account everyday. And what he taught me about this filter (and all of the filters) is that you have to trade it.
There are no sure things. AAMOF, TRO didn't say it was a sure thing -- he said it 'usually' pops the next day. And it usually does.
TRO is also extremely generous, especially with his time (something he can never earn back).
You stack the odds in your favor, with a filter like this, and then you trade it. Without TRO, well ... I don't even want to think about what my trading was like before TRO.
klynn55 747 posts msg #60352 - Ignore klynn55 |
3/10/2008 10:23:47 PM
Chip: if you are going to inform, then do it correctly, Chip, go through RIMM and its rsi2, you will see that it does not usually POP to the top when below 25, at least for the last year. take the time as i did. All im asking if you wish to take the time to inform, do it right. Let's face it most here are looking for the way, why else spend the money and the time here!
cmeade2 9 posts msg #60388 - Ignore cmeade2 |
3/11/2008 2:21:46 PM
Here's a variant on the above idea. The filter below assembles the statistics of "pop's" when rsi(2) declines to a specific level. You choose the level of the pop and the rsi(2) level to find the stocks with the best statistics (number of pops compared to the number of times rsi(2) declines).
Using values of rsi(2) = 10 and a pop level of 3%, mtl has a 100% percent success rate.
Using rsi(2) =25 and 3% pop, rimm has only a 39% success rate.
Filter below
set {HiOp, high - open }
set {hiopc, hiop/open}
set {hi100, hiopc*100}
set {rs21, rsi(2) 1 day ago}
/*set the level of the open to high "pop" in the next line*/
set {hicount, count(hi100 above 3,1)}
/*set the level of rsi(2) to trigger the pop on the next line*/
set {rscount, count(rs21 below 10,1)}
set {ctot, hicount+rscount}
set {popcount, count(ctot above 1,100)}
set {rs100, count(rscount above 0,100)}
set {successratio, popcount/rs100}
find stocks where close above 10
average volume(30) above 1000000
and market is not otcbb
and popcount above 4
add column popcount
add column rs100
add column successratio
add column Hi100
add column rsi(2)
sort by column 7 descending
chetron 2,817 posts msg #60391 - Ignore chetron modified |
3/11/2008 2:47:56 PM