irishpitbull 54 posts msg #101587 - Ignore irishpitbull |
7/12/2011 10:07:21 AM
First thing to remember about selecting a stock from this sceener is, the stock is here for a reason. People are buying it. Also not every stock you select is going to trigger. If it does trigger it is making a new high so that is pretty bullish. I also like to see a nice base. Like PCYC or CBOU had. Volume is also a good indicator. When the breakout occurs, is there a sharp spike in volume.
irishpitbull 54 posts msg #101592 - Ignore irishpitbull modified |
7/12/2011 1:47:51 PM
AUY breakout in at 12.68

ipaid 12 posts msg #101627 - Ignore ipaid |
7/14/2011 3:14:03 AM
Hi all
i spent quite some time to build a filter to find stocks in a horizontal consolidation phase that might breakout soon. In my opinion this is pretty hard to do with SF.
The following filter works for me but it returns too many stocks. Which means that it needs manual work to find the really good breakout candidates (watch all the charts...). I try to refine the filter to get better results...
I found some really nice ones that are still hot: FRX, AET, VRX, SJM, MSW, POR, PAET, ZAGG, RPTP, PDT, BBRG, AVD, INSM, IPSU
IPSU already poped. Its now up 10% within two days...
klynn55 747 posts msg #101634 - Ignore klynn55 |
7/14/2011 12:24:33 PM
Amazing ,THOR, how resistance works , hit 36 three times and went down, amazing how it works when you notice it after it happened! Grr!
jrbikes 624 posts msg #101677 - Ignore jrbikes |
7/16/2011 2:43:08 PM
This is good stuff, I am going to change the price and the MA, I had one like this for pennies, as you all know I love pennies, but I like looking for the initial break, this is a perfect scan for breakouts, you all should burn this into your brains!
sierraseller 23 posts msg #101682 - Ignore sierraseller modified |
7/17/2011 12:05:16 PM
To cut the candidate list I combined RvrRat and iPaid 's filters on the recent Breakout forum and on 7/17/12 (Sunday) got three hits.
I can't see how to make this hot, but here's the code. I did change the close/price limits to start at $1
/* Irishpitbulls orig PB&momentum filter */
set{PB ,100*ma(7) divided by ma(65)}
add column PB
and sort column 5 descending
and show stocks where PB is between 200 and 100
draw resistance(45,15,2)
draw resistance(65,10)
draw support(65,10,1)
draw support(45,15,2)
and add column Beta {Beta}
and market is not ETF
set{ iTargetPrice , close * .04 }
set{ Target , itargetprice +close}
add column Target
and price between 1 and 50
and average volume(90) > 100000
/* RvrRatz tweak to prioritize */
and Momentum(12) increasing last 2 days
Draw Momentum(12)
Draw RSI(2)
Draw Linear Regression Channel(60)
Draw Williams %R(14)
Draw Roc
Draw Force Index(13)
/* iPaid's: Price stays withi a 2% top range */
set{newhigh, high 1 month high}
set{newhighrange, newhigh * 0.98}
set{newhighrangehits, count(high > newhighrange, 10)}
show stocks where
average volume(10) is above 100000 and
close is above 1
and draw high 1 month high
and the 10 days slope of newhigh equals 0
and newhighrangehits > 0
and add column newhighrangehits
duke56468 683 posts msg #101683 - Ignore duke56468 |
7/17/2011 12:44:43 PM
Just add Fetcher and[ ]
ipaid 12 posts msg #101691 - Ignore ipaid |
7/18/2011 4:06:54 AM
Hi duke
i think you cannot combine the two filters.
As far as i understand irishpitbull's filter it detects stocks where ma(7) is diverging from ma(65) which means that there is a significant upward move going on. It might be that these stocks have already broken out of some consolidation area (correct me if i'm wrong).
My filter searches for stocks that are still in consolidation (have not broken out yet), which means they move in a more or less horizontal price channel. That's why you only get a few results combining the two filters.
Btw i played around with SF's support, resistance and triangle function. The results were not satisfying for me. Many possible breakout candidates were not detected. And it is not clear to me how support, resistance and triangles are calculated by SF.
sierraseller 23 posts msg #101699 - Ignore sierraseller |
7/18/2011 2:25:27 PM
Hi iPaid:
I was hoping the combo would select the consolidating stocks from your filter and from that group use RvrRat's filter to catch the ones breaking out. I may run them separately and see what happens. Thanks for the info
sierraseller 23 posts msg #101701 - Ignore sierraseller modified |
7/18/2011 3:20:53 PM
I set up a watchlist with RvrRats filter output - then ran your filter against it - works as expected - his list of 444 consolidating stocks is reduced by your filter to 13 candidates. I suspect the watchlist gets stale as time passs so a fresh run to populate it is probably vital to getting good results