garydbi2 1 posts msg #98505 - Ignore garydbi2 |
1/8/2011 11:58:08 PM
I want to find stock that have been trading sideways similar to NVDA, I took a position prior to the break out, Profit 1.35 Great bad thing is didn;t stay commited and missed out on the 3.00 run up the next 2 days. Ouch.
I like the spacing between the 20 and 40 moving averages.
Thanks for any help
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #98510 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
1/9/2011 10:25:02 AM
You make want to consider the space as a percentage of the current closing price if you want to compare stocks.
glgene 616 posts msg #98515 - Ignore glgene |
1/10/2011 1:42:52 AM
I added these two lines to TRO's script:
Draw EMA(20)
Draw EMA(40)
...just so I could visually see them on the chart (and the SPACE between them).
What significance do you see/use with SPACE? Example: On the end-of-day run on 1-7-11,
PCLN space = 9.71
JOYG space = 3.29
So what? Please...elaborate. Thanks!
ps to TRO: I didn't know the SPACE indicator was available. Thanks, as usual!
Kevin_in_GA 4,599 posts msg #98519 - Ignore Kevin_in_GA |
1/10/2011 9:38:43 AM
IN TRO's filter, SPACE is a user-defined variable, not a pre-set indicator. Note the use of the set{} statement to define it.
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #98523 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
1/10/2011 9:58:08 AM
The SPACE between the moving averages is like BOLLINGER BANDS.
You can compute the maximum SPACE and the average SPACE and use these to indicate a possible reversal area.
glgene 616 posts msg #98525 - Ignore glgene |
1/10/2011 10:37:03 AM
Kevin, I replied too quickly w/o doing my homework. Yes, of course, SPACE was a set variable. Shame on me.
TRO, how would you use the SPACE info for a possible reversal? A crossover at 50% midway? Or what?
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #98542 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
1/11/2011 3:21:23 PM
I would look at the max space for the last 100 days and look for reversals if space was 80% or more of max space.