TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #43728 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
5/15/2006 1:41:49 AM
Mcorr is how many days out of the last 100 the stock went up if the price closed above the previous day's middle and the stock went down if the price closed below the previous day's middle.
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #43729 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
5/15/2006 1:54:28 AM
I added another criteria - the close had to be higher/lower than the previous day's. This would be what the swing trader's would look for.
What this shows it that there are stocks that give you better than a 50% chance.
That's called an "edge".
fixme1too 7 posts msg #43746 - Ignore fixme1too |
5/15/2006 4:35:22 PM
hey tro is there a bug in this filter. I get this message "Your StockFetcher filter exceeds filter performance restrictions"
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #43937 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
5/20/2006 9:04:26 AM
Added the white candle selection statement:
and close above open.
When CLxMid = 3 or -3, look for a reversal.
When CLxMid = 1 or -1, look for continuation.
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #43942 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
5/20/2006 9:56:24 AM
I added weekly columns.
woodstock 10 posts msg #43945 - Ignore woodstock |
5/20/2006 3:46:19 PM
Sorry but this idea does not work.
Results from filter -
price is above 5
and average volume(5) is above 500000
and Market is Nasdaq
Entry Rule - Day Position(0.51) 1 Day ago
Exit Rule - Open Next Day
As we see - our chances 50/50. We have no edge.
Approach Information | Approach Name: CrossMidPoint | Test started on 04/01/2004 ended on 03/31/2006, covering 503 days | Filter used: | CrossMidPoint (saved filter) |
Trade Statistics | There were 12575 total stocks entered. Of those, 12550 or 99.80% were complete and 25 or 0.20% were open. | Of the 12550 completed trades, 6310 trades or 50.28%resulted in a net gain. | Your average net change for completed trades was: 0.06%. | The average draw down of your approach was: -1.78%. | The average max profit of your approach was: 1.91% | The Reward/Risk ratio for this approach is: 1.08 | Annualized Return on Investment (ROI): 14.60%, the ROI of ^SPX was: 7.35%. |
Exit Statistics | Stop Loss was triggered 0 times or 0.00% of the time. | Stop Profit was triggered 0 times or 0.00% of the time. | Trailing Stop Loss was triggered 0 times or 0.00% of the time. | You held for the maximum period of time (1 days) 12550 times or 100.00% of the time. | An exit trigger was executed 0 times or 0.00% of the time. |
Statistics By Holding Period | | Completed | 1 day chg | 2 day chg | 3 day chg | 5 day chg | 10 day chg | Winners: | 6310 | 6096 | 6123 | 6249 | 6304 | 6237 | Losers: | 6206 | 6433 | 6428 | 6306 | 6261 | 6332 | Win/Loss Ratio: | 1.02:1 | 0.95:1 | 0.95:1 | 0.99:1 | 1.01:1 | 0.98:1 | Net Change: | 0.06% | -0.04% | -0.00% | 0.01% | 0.03% | 0.05% |
Statistics By Variable: Match Price | | <20 | <40 | <60 | <80 | <100 | <120 | <140 | <160 | <180 | <200 | Completed | 2756:2757 | 2517:2450 | 775:753 | 208:197 | 25:28 | 11:5 | 13:10 | 5:6 | - | - | 1 day chg | 2640:2879 | 2446:2522 | 750:781 | 206:201 | 24:30 | 9:7 | 15:8 | 6:5 | - | - | 2 day chg | 2640:2889 | 2458:2521 | 759:773 | 209:198 | 26:28 | 13:3 | 15:8 | 3:8 | - | - | 3 day chg | 2699:2831 | 2502:2478 | 788:745 | 205:203 | 27:27 | 13:3 | 12:11 | 3:8 | - | - | 5 day chg | 2724:2811 | 2546:2442 | 792:739 | 194:213 | 25:29 | 11:5 | 9:14 | 3:8 | - | - | 10 day chg | 2709:2825 | 2563:2428 | 758:774 | 165:243 | 16:38 | 8:8 | 11:12 | 7:4 | - | - |
Statistics By Variable: Average Volume | | <20.0M | <40.0M | <60.0M | <80.0M | <100.0M | <120.0M | <140.0M | <160.0M | <180.0M | <200.0M | Completed | 5621:5451 | 237:246 | 199:252 | 142:160 | 76:73 | 31:18 | 1:2 | 1:1 | 2:3 | - | 1 day chg | 5446:5633 | 224:263 | 189:265 | 132:170 | 73:75 | 28:21 | 1:2 | 1:1 | 2:3 | - | 2 day chg | 5454:5642 | 231:258 | 187:266 | 146:158 | 74:76 | 27:22 | 1:2 | 0:2 | 3:2 | - | 3 day chg | 5579:5520 | 230:259 | 190:264 | 143:161 | 74:76 | 30:19 | 1:2 | 0:2 | 2:3 | - | 5 day chg | 5638:5471 | 231:258 | 177:278 | 154:149 | 71:79 | 30:19 | 1:2 | 0:2 | 2:3 | - | 10 day chg | 5569:5544 | 237:252 | 177:277 | 161:143 | 50:100 | 40:9 | 2:1 | 1:1 | 0:5 | - |
fixme1too 7 posts msg #43964 - Ignore fixme1too |
5/21/2006 12:23:07 AM
TRO can you explain how to interpret the two new col. you added
"When CLxMid = 3 or -3, look for a reversal. When CLxMid = 1 or -1", look for continuation we now have 2 CLxMid col. does this new rule relate to each column respectively. EX when column 1, shows CLxMid= 3 or -3 would I look for reversal only if CLxMid =3 or - 3 in col. 1 does it matter which CLxMid col. I see the 3 or -3 is the question. I hope this makes sence.
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #43975 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
5/21/2006 10:29:40 AM
"TRO can you explain how to interpret the two new col. you added
"When CLxMid = 3 or -3, look for a reversal. When CLxMid = 1 or -1", look for continuation we now have 2 CLxMid col. does this new rule relate to each column respectively. EX when column 1, shows CLxMid= 3 or -3 would I look for reversal only if CLxMid =3 or - 3 in col. 1 does it matter which CLxMid col. I see the 3 or -3 is the question. I hope this makes sence."
If you are refering to the WEEKLY columns, I was thinking of Mark Crisp, who likes weekly charts.
My "rules" were for the daily because that's what I ran statistics on.
I just coded the weekly and have NOT run stats .... yet.
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #43976 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
5/21/2006 10:31:34 AM
You put close above 5.
I use close above 20.
You exit open next day.
I exit intraday ( with profit ).
Just look at the value of HIGH - MIDDLE and you will see the profit potential.
clam61 92 posts msg #43991 - Ignore clam61 |
5/21/2006 3:52:57 PM
I am going to use this method tommorrow
Typically, what is your profit percentage for this method?
I have about 50K in my account and usually day trade about 5K at a time for each stock. I take profit at about 2.5% or more for a quick couple hundred bucks