chip 67 posts msg #60976 - Ignore chip |
4/2/2008 11:24:55 AM
TRO said:
"Some people find the filters I post useful and profitable. "
To which I reply: Gosh I sure do! I make money nearly every trading day, trading TRO-style. Additionally, I learn a lot just from studying his code.
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #60981 - Ignore nikoschopen |
4/2/2008 1:22:49 PM
To which I reply: It was never about "usefulness". Lets not use evasive logic to divert attention from what's at issue. The problem originated with the lack of explantion. After all, the poster of this thread explicitly requested for an explanation of what the various columns in ure filter meant, which you were so kind enough to shrug off. So I ask again. Why don't you simply explain ure filter for those who have yet to learn or simply too damn lazy to learn the intricacies of ure multifaceted filters?
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #60982 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
4/2/2008 1:33:47 PM
To which I reply: It was never about "usefulness". Lets not use evasive logic to divert attention from what's at issue. The problem originated with the lack of explantion. After all, the poster of this thread explicitly requested for an explanation of what the various columns in ure filter meant, which you were so kind enough to shrug off. So I ask again. Why don't you simply explain ure filter for those who have yet to learn or simply too damn lazy to learn the intricacies of ure multifaceted filters?
What IS at issue?
It is MY choice to share a filter. I have no obligation to explain, answer, debate, defend, etc...
If someone asks a question, I may choose to answer or not answer.
Sometimes, it is more rewarding to figure something out for yourself.
Why should ANY filter posted on SF be of such importance to a reader that they go ballistic if they don't understand? That is just absurd.
Newbies need to learn how to look up the indicators and phrases used in SF filters so they can understand how they work.
The code in the 1-2-3 filter is straight forward. It's nowhere near as complicated as some of the other filters posted.
Personal attacks do NOT make people want to help or share. Something to think about.
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #60983 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
4/2/2008 1:34:30 PM
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #60984 - Ignore nikoschopen |
4/2/2008 2:01:32 PM
Dude, thanks for taking the time to respond but I did most of the explaining for ya anyway. But lets get the facts straight for once. Only reason why anyone decides to share a filter is because one believes it's valuable enough to help others. Whether that is remains to be seen, it is the responsibility of the filtermeister, namely YOU, to give details about the filter (other than a fancy name like "Easy as 1-2-3") that would enable the user to better understand what the filter was designed to achieve in the first place. Why would anyone bother to use ure filter if they don't understand what it's supposed to do?
Newbies? Personal attacks? Think again.
maxreturn 745 posts msg #60985 - Ignore maxreturn modified |
4/2/2008 2:08:31 PM
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #60986 - Ignore nikoschopen |
4/2/2008 2:18:46 PM
Max, thanks for the input, but you seemed to have largely misunderstood my point. Are we here merely to write and share filters? Isn't this forum more or less generated on the good spirit of so-called generous helpers. I still recall the days when people like Cegis and DasKapital were helping newbies like TheRumpledOne. Where would TRO be now had it not been their valuable assistance? No doubt, some of these newbies are lazy to the bone, which I already alluded to above on two occasions, but what the hell is the difference between their unwillingness to learn and TRO's unwillingness to explain? Who's the bigger culprit?
maxreturn 745 posts msg #60987 - Ignore maxreturn modified |
4/2/2008 2:30:32 PM
Don't know what happened to my previous post. For some reason everything got shifted WAY over to the right and I couldn't left justify it. Anyway I didn't misunderstand your larger point. I am in agreement about being a generous helper. My point is directed at the select few who keep coming back with the most elementary of questions...basically looking to be spoon fed instead of taking a little bit of time to learn on their own. I have no problem helping someone who has made an honest effort to understand, whose intent it is to be self sufficient. We're not helping these people if we continue to give them handouts. Rather, we should help them by directing them to resources where they can find the answers themselves.
chip 67 posts msg #60988 - Ignore chip |
4/2/2008 2:36:56 PM
I think TRO does more than enough by posting the filter. With the volume and quality of the stuff he posts here and many other places, how can anyone actually expect any more from him?
I have some filters that I like a lot, but I swear I'd never be able to convince myself to share them if this is what it would lead to. I do enough explaining-down, and dumbing-down, in my day job and would not want to do it here as well.
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #60989 - Ignore nikoschopen |
4/2/2008 2:44:41 PM
Anyway, TRO should annotate his otherwise convoluted filters as you so correctly pointed out earlier. If he has a degree in computer programming as he mentioned elsewhere, he should know that there's a correct coding convention or standards.