kamalmathi 10 posts msg #67616 - Ignore kamalmathi |
9/23/2008 1:11:01 AM
I'm reading your filters in the forum from last 3 months. I was kind of want to know from you "GENIUS " people ,what are yours top 3 filters that will make more money for the swing trade or bottom fishing setup?
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #67629 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
9/23/2008 8:59:01 AM
I wish people wouldn't mention my name in the same sentence as WallStreetGenuis.
FuriousThug 256 posts msg #67633 - Ignore FuriousThug |
9/23/2008 9:23:11 AM
marine2 963 posts msg #67658 - Ignore marine2 |
9/23/2008 1:36:04 PM
But you are both geniuses in many peoples minds and hearts from what I have read in previous threads throughout our wonderful Forum. Many march to your statements and that should make you two feel very good. Just don't let your two heads inflate too much that might alter your great filter writing abilities. Oh by the way can I both have your autographs.
maxreturn 745 posts msg #67659 - Ignore maxreturn |
9/23/2008 1:43:02 PM
In the words of Garth and Wayne...."WE'RE NOT WORTHY!"
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #67664 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
9/23/2008 2:43:34 PM
Thanks... I think? LOL!
kamalmathi 10 posts msg #67689 - Ignore kamalmathi modified |
9/24/2008 1:02:16 AM
Hey TheRumpledOne,
Looks like you still trade forex . I was going thru your "Buy Zones" thing, will this work for IB brokers?
Also, when i run most of the filters using offset date, looks like most of filters results are not that great. At the end it all all 50% 50% gambling. I have ran all the filters from "run forest run " none of then are impressive.
I'm looking for the good filters for the swing trade, bottomfishing and also forex trading that works for interactive brokers.
Let me know how i have to do the donation to get those filters.
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #67690 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
9/24/2008 2:04:42 AM
There are no "donation filters".
Running backtest on the RFR filters is pointless. RFR IS DAYTRADING!!
If you don't like the results you see then DO NOT TRADE THOSE STOCKS.
kamalmathi 10 posts msg #67695 - Ignore kamalmathi modified |
9/24/2008 4:40:28 AM
Understand ...but in RFR there are swing trading filters like run on fridays ..etc. I still don't see any impressive filtered list of stocks either when we offset the date by week.
I spend atleast 3 months reading about your filters and strategies in SF , forexfactory,babypips , tradestation and kreslik and doing papertrading but none are working great which includes forex. Everything boils down to gambling.
I know you are professional trader and great programmer, looks like i 'm miss something or not understanding.
Pl post me or point me your top 3 filters for swing trade stocks that way i can show you the results are not impressive using paper trading .